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I've been having trouble posting for some reason sorrryyyyy



Sam opens the front door early the next morning and the Frogs enter, I stay curled up in my chair, my head on my knees as I wait with my thoughts swirling around. "Okay. Where's Nosferatu?" I looked over at Edgar and simply blinked a few times, "the Prince of Darkness." Sam was confused, "The nightcrawler. The bloodsucker." Edgar decided to add on after Alan tried to give more hints, "El Vampiro." Sam gave them a weird look before shouting upstairs, "They're here Michael, come down here!" Michael comes down the stairs looking tired and just straight weak, he looked as bad as I felt with no sleep last night, his dark glasses perched upon his face furthered my thought. "This guy looks more like a zombie." I wanted to roll my eyes at Edgar but I just couldn't right now instead watching as Alan reaches into his backpack and pulls out a sharpened stake. "should I run him through?" I sighed, rubbing my eyes as Michael walked up and sat beside me, "I've only got one question for you, and I want an honest answer. Have you taken any human victims yet?" Michael's answer made me flinch, "of course not!" I wanted to stab him myself as my head ached in a pounding pulse of pain, the voices not helping as Sam ran off with his earlier task, "if you're telling the truth, it means we can save you." Sam rushes back and yells at Edgar, "he's telling the truth! Aren't you, Michael?"

I wince and Sam apologizes softly as he sets a water and some pills in my hand, "thank you," He nodded as I talked softly, the Frog brothers eyeing me, or at least Edgar was, "To free you, we must destroy the leader of the vampires." I listened as they talked, popping the pills in my mouth and downing the glass of water, "David." Edgar yelled as Alan set his bag down on the table, "I don't want names! Just lead me to him. Where's their nest?" Sam shushed him looking at me as I covered my ears hiding my face in my legs, "I'll take you there." Alan looked back up at Michael, "You can barely stand up. Besides... We can't trust you. You're practically one of them." Michael grabs Edgar by the arm. "I said, I'll take you there. Nobody's going near Star without me." I heard a scoff. "Okay, okay." Michael releases his grip and Edgar starts to rub his arm, "Vampires have such rotten tempers, what's up with her." I was fed up at this point, "long fucking night so either shut up Edgar or you're going down the stairs next."

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