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"Willow?! Willow!!!" My body is shaking almost violently when my eyes open again, my head pounding as my blood rushed and my mind starts to wake, slowly becoming clear of the overwhelming fog.

"Sam, stop shaking me, my head is gonna pop off like a rag doll..." I heard a relieved sigh and looked up, "what?" His face turned to disbelief and I raised my brows confused, "you were passed out on the floor!" I rolled my eyes but paused when I looked around, "I don't remember what happened..."

He helped me off the floor and I looked at him as I groaned, "my head is pounding..." I stood turning on my heel fast, too fast. "Fuck," I immediately fall into a crouch as my head pulses painfully, "I feel like one of you fuckers whacked me in the head..." I stumbled back up onto my feet and groaned coming to stand straight up only to slightly bend backwards and look up at the ceiling for a few seconds before blinking repeatedly. "What time is it?"

"I dunno, round six or seven I guess, it's okay though," I looked at Sam a little perplexed, "We're going to booby trap the house, they won't be around for long," I made a face confused, "what the hell'r you talking about Samuel?" He paused, setting a bag down suddenly, "holy water, garlic?" He stretched his neck out with his emphasis and I furrowed my brows, "what the hell do you need garlic and holy water for? You don't like garlic, last time I checked you're an atheist aren't you?" I blankly looked at him and his mouth opened, "how hard did you hit your head?" Rolling my eyes I scoffed at him, "I should be asking you that, fucking holy water, seriously..." I walked past him having to grip the wall as I stumbled a slight ways in my steps, "Willow?" I stopped and looked at him tiredly, "Samuel."

"How many fingers am I holding up?" I groaned, his voice coming out rather quick, "it's one finger Willow, that's one vampire, we have to kill the leader to save Michael, our brother." He punctuated each word and I paused, "Sam, if you wanna play with comics and set boobytraps or whatever don't let mom find out okay, and clean up when you're done, but I really don't wanna play right now..." His mouth stayed open and he watched me leave with a look in his eyes, lost and hopeless.

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