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I followed along weaving past and through an array of bonfires and people, excitement and the thrill of the ride really not doing much for me as I just wanted to lay down in bed and read a book. I take a glance behind me, my brother looks cautious. Worried. And he's doing his best to keep up as the motorcycles speed through the surf. They head for the pier at full speed in front of us and my mind stops its tired beginnings and instead rams full speed. The thick wooden pilings present an overly hazardous obstacle course. Michael skids and slows down behind me but keeps driving. The Lost Boys increased their speed as they approached the pilings ahead and I can sense Michael's anxiety growing by the second. David and the others thread their way between the pilings at breakneck speed, executing turns and avoiding collisions as I follow behind them, my bike kicking up sand and some of the dirt mixed into the ground. We exited the area to come forward towards gently rolled sand dunes, the dunes lit up by light bonfires.

I watched ahead as they hopped the dunes whooping as they landed into the sand somewhere. Instead of going straight I turned off to the side and rode the top of the dune before twisting off and landing in the sand, Michael hopping it just as they had done next to me. He was determined not to chicken out so far, I felt bad for him but I was definitely upset having to be here. Star looks back from her position behind David and smiles at the over excited brunette, he landed from the dune and received approving glances from the boys in front of us.

The landscape changed again after a few minutes and now we were riding the tracks, speeding across the trestle. I noticed how when I finally slowed a bit Michael sped up to match David and the other three slowed to my side. I watch as they now travel side-by-side. Star's hair blows in the wind and she reaches out her hand toward Michael, copying her action, their hands touch for a mere second as David says something, "Now we race!" There's a smile on his blonde face as we all speed up, the two in the front gunning it. I sigh internally as Michael takes off after him we're close to the Bluff now, David's Triumph streaks across the flat surface of the bluff, Michael not far behind. The Bluff is a five hundred foot drop off the cliff-side to utter death in the crashing waves below, I know this, and so does Michael, the only thing is it's coming up fast. Michael and David are at the front as I slow my bike down, both are going full force; a competition of alpha male wannabes. David yells his excitement to the blackened sky and ocean ahead, no fear to be sean. But Michael, his fear is clear in the way I watch as his head looks forward and turns to David repeatedly. He brakes and spins out, nearly losing control of his bike, sliding toward the edge.

David breaks a few feet ahead of him just as the rest of us drive up behind them. David's tires lock and his bike skids to a stop. His front tire was just barely hanging slightly over the edge of the bluff. The waves crash loudly against the moon-lit rocks below. Michael in his reckless action of panic slides next to him, slightly over the edge. Within seconds of everything happening we pull up and park just as David calmly climbs off his bike. Michael stands up crazily as I lean forward resting my arms on my handlebars to watch as my brother explodes and punches David. The other boys fall silent and Star looks to the child who has somehow popped off a bike after surviving the ride to come to my side. Michael prepares for David's retaliation, but David surprises everyone by smiling. "How far you willing to go, Michael?"

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