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We're surrounded by sand now in the middle of the beach far away from the boardwalk, "what are we doing all the way out here?" Marko shushed me as they led me up a dune towards loud music. "Marko what?" Once again I was shushed and this time I kept my mouth shut after sighing. "What is this, David?" I looked over to see Michael following along behind David and Paul, "You'll never see Star again if you're not." I didn't hear the end of the sentence but my thoughts paused as I saw the group of Surf Nazis from a previous encounter, "no, I am not hanging out with those asshats," Dwayne chuckled really close to my ear and I looked at him curious and confused, "nah, babe, just you wait."

I see how Michael looks at David for a second as he climbs up into the tree, only to then begin to climb the tree himself, the other boys following, Marko lifting me up onto a branch with Dwayne before hopping up himself. The Surfer group has a fire going, they're drinking beer and smoking, laughing with their girlfriends who sit sparsely around the little camp. We all watch them from our vantage point up in the tree on top of the sandy dune. All I hear is laughing from the other side of the tree when suddenly the laughing surrounds me, looking to my side I became spooked and backed up against Dwayne only to turn and become scared of him too. The laughing stops and I slowly calm down my breathing as my attention closes in on the details of Marko's face but suddenly both of them are gone and screaming ensues, I'm stuck looking into the darkness as I'm frozen from what I saw. I swallow and finally shake myself from my shock to look over and see bloody mayhem. The screaming had stopped but the blood and carnage was everywhere, the clean up less gruesome but still upsetting as I watched the corpses be thrown into the fire and start to burn the Surf Nazis flesh and hair, the smell, revolting.

I remember Michael was here suddenly but he wasn't with the boys meddling in carnage. He was at the tree with me but down below still in my view, From the expression on his face when he turned, I knew he wanted to puke. Sweat beads up on his forehead and the color drains from his face and his breathing is really heavy and suddenly his face changes and he looks up at me almost erratically viscous, the next thing I know is he lunges at me.

My eyes shut as I'm grabbed from sitting on the tree limb and moved away, hissing sounds filling my ears as I open my eyes, my heart pounding only to realize Marko had me in his arms and Dwayne had tossed Michael into the bloody sand pit away from me. Whatever this was, he couldn't control himself and the smell of blood being closer now made him worse, he started shaking his head before he ran up the dune towards us. I tensed but ran past the before tripping and rolling down the other side of the dune as I watched. I hear David speak over my labored breath, "Now you know who we are, Michael... and who you are, too. Both of you..." David's expression is calm and reassuring as he watches my brother, Marko jumping down with me in his arms, I was almost petrified against his chest. "You'll never grow old and you'll never die." I knew then that he meant both of us and I shook, my skin trembling as I became chilled, "but you must feed." Michael looks horrified at the revelation as David and Paul walk off.

The last thing I see as my eyes shut like heavy lead as Michael rushing up onto my bike and leaving. The last thing I hear however is two voices; Dwayne and Marko, talking in an angered whisper of some kind with words that didn't register in my ears.

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