Page 24

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Lmao I republished a page on accident, here's the new pages my lovely fishies..fishes...
Suddenly there's noises, a commotion down stairs, "Michael? Are you there, Nanook? Willow?" I turned around, backing away from the window before walking to my door and opening it, "Sammy?" He jumps slightly at my voice and I furrow my brows, "Sam? What's wrong?" His eyebrows furrowed next, "that wasn't you?" I shook my head side to side, stepping out of my room and up to the banister I looked down as Sam stay's in his place. There's a figure downstairs hunched over on the carpet in the living room, "Michael is that you?"

I moved towards the stairs a bit warily and concerned, "Mikey?" Taking a few steps down Sam hovering over my shoulder behind me, "please don't be a pedophile..." I almost turned and smacked Sam but I secretly thought the same as he did, "Michael is that you?" We reached closer to the first floor's landing but the house was too dark to see anything, my hand lifted towards the switch and I stopped at the raspy voice that called out to me, "Don't turn on the light." Sam flicks his hand to the switch effectively pushing mine out of the way and turns on the light. I freeze as the light fills the space and I can see our brother, in the next moment I'm moving.

Michael's huddled down on the rug in front of us, his hands are covered in blood; his blood. "What happened, Michael?!" I leaned down when I reached him and grasped his elbow looking at his hands, only one was hurt and it looked like something had bitten him, "Nanook..." My eyes shot up and met him at his word, "What about Nanook? What have you done to Nanook?! What have you done to my dog, you asshole?!" I almost let go thinking that Nanook could be hurt somewhere, "Nothing! I didn't hurt him. He bit me! This is my blood!" Michael shows Sam the large bite wound that goes across the back and palm of his hand. Sam is upset and I'm standing moving to the kitchen to grab the med kit quickly as they talk or yell, Nanook appearing protectively beside Sam as I walked off in my rushed state. "What did you to do him, Michael? Why did he bite you?" I didn't expect to hear such an ashamed or maybe it was a hurt whimper that came from our brother as he spoke, "He was protecting you."

I walked back, kit in my arms to see Michael beginning to stand, "where's Nanook?" I looked around and walked up to the two boys, setting the kit down on the side table. I looked at Michael and Sam somehow, already annoyed. I looked up the stairs and moved forward ascending the steps quickly, "Nanook?!" I called for the large dog on my way up, a bit concerned. At the top I heard a whine from Samuel's room and moved forward, sliding the door open and pausing.

Bloody Story 1987Where stories live. Discover now