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smut or like no smut??? You could always skip it if I write it but should I is the question...




"Thank you for the ride," he smiled at Sam and I as we walked off upstairs as we left him to talk to our mother. Turning around I see a small glimpse of our oldest brother sneaking out with his bike outside of my window. Rolling my eyes, I move towards my dresser and change really quickly, only to jump as a hand covers my mouth; not belonging to me. Kicking my foot back doesn't work as my calf becomes trapped between legs and my arms suddenly have to keep me upright against my dresser, "calm down, s'just me," the hand falls from my mouth to wrap around my waist tightly as the face that belonged to the voice nestles against my neck.

"Why are you here?" I tried twisting around as the arms tightened around me, "we wanted to come visit, why? I thought you'd miss us," my brows furrowed, "us?" I managed to turn slightly and spotted Marko on my bed reading a book from my night stand, "could you let go please?" The body receded and I stood straight turning on him, "I can understand him but you," he frowned down at me, "you wanna know why I'm here?" I nodded up at him and he stepped forward making me back up into the wooden dresser, "it would be wrong of us, me, to not check up on our pretty, little lady," I swallowed as his hand reached up and grasped my chin, "your lady?" His smirk unnerved me slightly but I found myself just a bit drawn towards his dark brown eyes, "whose else would you be?" I swallowed again as Marko spoke up from the bed, "back up Dwayne, let her breathe man," I looked back up at the man in front of me as his thumb moved upwards and brushed over my bottom lip, "no ones..." He smiled laughing and leaned closer to my face, "exactly, all ours, aren't you baby?" I blinked, pulling my head back, "I didn't mean it like that."

"Sure about that?" Suddenly I felt unsure of myself and my answer, "yes?"I hear a small thud near the bed and my eyes shoot over to Marko, "what else do you got to read?" I furrowed my brows a bit confused, "I didn't know you like to read!" My voice turns loud at the sudden feeling of a tongue and teeth scraping against the underside of my neck, "Dwayne?!" He pulls back and stares down into my eyes.

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