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"You have got to be kidding me..." I banged my hand on the wheel once before rubbing my face and hopping out. My brain was playing tricks on me, making me smell gas and smoke and thinking the worst as I rounded to the hood and popped it open. Peering over into the engine I sighed, "Everything alright?" My head shot over to the side to see the tall man with glasses from our mom's workplace, "Oh, hi uhm, yeah... No. I can't get it to start, old things just gave up I guess." He nodded looking at the car before turning back to me, "Well then, care for a ride?" I smiled, "I would deeply appreciate one, thank you."

I closed the hood with a slam to make sure and looked through the windshield to see Sam looking kind of hesitant, "Sam come on, Max offered us a ride," I waved my hand in a come hither motion, he slowly took his seat belt off and hoped out rounding the car with the groceries in his hands, "thank you, seriously, I really don't want Sam to walk on the highway at night with or without me, you know?" The older man smiled, "oh I know, it's too dangerous to be all alone at night, especially out here. Here, come hop inside, I was going to drop off your mom's shawl anyways, it seems she left it at the shop." I nodded politely, "that's very thoughtful," He nodded, turning to walk us to his car up ahead, "Yes well, your mother is a very special woman, she deserves to be treated nice..."

I nodded a bit awkwardly and he began to drive us home, I could practically feel the awkwardness drifting around in the ride and Sam was fidgety, uncomfortable, as was I.

Bloody Story 1987Where stories live. Discover now