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I approached my bike only to see Michael and a woman together, he had just climbed on his back waiting for her when the bike group appeared surrounding Micheal and the girl. I continued on my way, my brother not only seemed to be a stereotypical jock in most regards but he also seemed to make stupid actions and receive stupid consequences in turn for his actions. I approached Michael's Honda, only just now noticing a small child on the back of one of the bikes. It's the four same guys from before the video store, Michael looks uneasy at the sight of each of them; out-classed and out-numbered. I can see mouths moving as I walked up pulling my own key out. The short blonde haired guy revved his bike before letting it calm just as I appeared behind the curly haired blonde.

"Michael," he looked to me as I moved between two of the bikes just to stand in between Micahel and my own bike, he watched as I hopped onto my seat, my leg flipping over to properly straddle the bike. I looked up and to the side to see the brunette girl moved to the blonde talker and had dropped herself onto his bike instead of my brothers. "Know where Hudson's Bluff is? Overlooking the point?" David again revs his bike's engine as I look towards my brother, just noticing his new black leather jacket. Starting my own bike up I kicked it and listened as it roared to life softly only to look up ready to leave, "I can't beat a Triumph."

"You don't have to beat me, Michael." He looked over to me, both of them did as I raised my brow to the two situated in front of me, the other two blondes, one long haired and the other curly. "Just try to keep up." I heard him pause, "both of you," my eyes shot to his annoyance clearly overtaking my features, "I'm afraid not." Michael pinched my side and I turned to him, feeling an intense desire to kick over his bike with him on it, "don't do that Michael." He gave me a look like he didn't want to be alone with the group, "you don't have a choice, you are on our walk after all." I ignored the need to clench my jaw and instead started impassively at David, "still owe us a name..." I leaned back and folded my arms, "you still seem to think that everyone cares." His smile fell slightly and Michael pinched me again looking at me intensely, I looked at him as his hand pulled away before kicking my leg out to the side quickly. The group watched as I made Michael and his bike topple slightly while looking bored, "I told you not to touch me, didn't I Michael."

The two bikes revved in front of me as he resituated himself a glare directed towards me, "join us for a ride, you won't regret it too much, promise." I looked blankly at him, "no," his smile fell fully, "3," my eyes shot to my brother and I turned my head to face him, "5, and 2." He scoffed, "no way," I nodded bored already, "mm, don't die, I won't be at your funeral brother." I looked forward and he stopped me, "fine, 5 and 2." I looked back and nodded with a sigh, "fine." I fully expected him to pay up, maybe even in advance.

I ignored everyone and watched as they revved up their bikes before twisting and driving, Michael and I following behind the other four. The motorcycles either hop off or bounce down the steps and hit the sandy beach. Ahead of us they pick up speed as they spin out from the boardwalk, spraying sand into the air and revving their engines for the hundredth time. People on the beach turn to look as our motorcycles fly by, heading for a more deserted section of sand so as to not hit anyone.

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