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I wake up when the sound of screeching tires and yelling before my eyes shut again, my head lolling back into the couch cushioning. My eyes only open up again when the front door slams open a few hours later while it's still bright with sunlight outside.

Michael comes inside in a rush carrying an unconscious Star in his arms. Sam comes in next then the frogs rush in Sam slamming the door behind them. I see Alan carrying Laddie as they start approaching the stairs fast, Nanook coming out of the kitchen viciously growling and barking, "No, Nanook! Quiet!" I sit up tiredly and wince at the noise from the large dog, Edgar speaking up, "your dog knows flesh-eaters when he smells 'em!" Nanook continues to bark at them and Michael finally yells at him, "take him outside, Sam!" Sam rushes and grabs Nanook by the collar and leads him away as I stand on my feet slightly drowsy.

"Michael!" I turned, dropping my blanket on the couch to see our grandfather looking at my brother as he climbs the stairs, he has a stern look plastered on his face and everyone else freezes in place at the sound of his voice. "Do you know the rule about filling the car up with gas when you take it without askin'?" Michael just stood frozen on the stairs as he gave a bleak answer, "No, Grandpa..."

"Well, now you know." The older man leaves and I blink for a few seconds as the house dawns on what had just occurred before feet climb up the stairs once again in a rush.

Climbing up-stairs at a more normal pace I come to stop just to see the Frog brothers watch my older brother from outside of his bedroom in the hallway. "Real creepy guys..." Edgar and Alan ignore me for a second as Sam rushes up and comes to a sudden halt just to look into Michael's room as well, right before turning to me, "you okay?" I nodded, giving him a dizzy feeling thumbs up for less than a full second before my hand drops back to my side, "all nectarinie..." Edgar made a face a questioned me, "nectarinie?" I shrugged, "I don't like peaches, Frog boy," his eyes rolled and I roll mine back as his brother began to stare at me. Sam turned to the brothers to talk as I leaned back against the wall to listen to their conversation for a second as the fogginess in my mind cleared up, "Well... we blew Plan A." I raised a brow, interrupting them quickly, "what happened to plan A?" Sam and Alan shot Edgar a look, "got the wrong one, in the stomach," my brows furrowed as I became confused, "what does that mean?"

"All four of them are still alive..." I nodded and Alan spoke up, "time to activate Plan B." I sighed moving to Michaels doorway to see he passed out on the floor leaning up against his own bed as Laddie and Star took his place on the mattress. "What's Plan B?"

"We don't have one yet and we only have two and a half hours to come up with one." Sam looked concerned when I turned back to him, "what happens in two and a half hours?" At this point I wasn't even sure what was going on or what was real and what wasn't; my sense of everything became warped and it was becoming hard to stay properly awake and not in a fuzzy state of consciousness. "The sun goes down and they'll be comin' for us."

My eyes closed for a second and when I opened the Sam and the brothers were rushing out of the house with canteens strapped to their bodies. The moment the front door shut, I collapsed onto the floor in an unconscious foggy daze.

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