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Popping my stand I look away and down at the boy, "I'm Laddie," I gave him a hum in acceptance before pondering a mere second ignoring Michael and David talking as Star stands before them, "Willow." He smiled up at me excitedly, "you have a nice name," I blanked at him for a second and he waited for my reaction, I caved and smiled back, "so do you little soldier." He laughed and grabbed my hand, "come on," I pulled him to a stop when he yanked my arm, I turned my bike off and slung my leg off to stand beside him, only for him to stare at me and a second later drag me forward, "Laddie, where are we going?" I received a vague answer as everyone watched him drag me off, "you'll see."

"Ahh, I will, won't I? Laddie you're not a serial killer are you?" I heard a snicker behind me as the small boy spoke, "what's that?" I gave another hum as we came up towards a bridge, "we're not going on that are we?" I felt a warm hand on my shoulder as Laddie stopped and looked up at me, his hand dropping mine, "you're not scared are you?" I raised a brow and shook my head side to side, whispering to myself in a mumble, "more so afraid I'll willingly jump off." The small boy tilted his head and turned jogging across the bridge with an 'okay', just to leave me alone with the longer haired boys standing around me, "don't worry, we won't let you," I huffed, blowing air through my nose, "you couldn't stop me." I pulled away and walked across the bridge as Michael and the other two appeared, "what are you doing?!" I rolled my eyes, shoving my hands in my pocket without looking back at him, "drowning myself, go away."

I heard some chuckles and the three boys followed me, David and Michael speaking a few words as Star waited, I climbed down the old condemned wooden stairs, passing huge signs on old rusted pilings reading: "CONDEMNED," "UNSAFE," "UNLAWFUL TO GO PAST THIS POINT." Laddies up ahead waiting at a large rocky opening in the cliffside. Following him with his hand freshly pressed into mine I raised my brows at the inside of the cave. It looks like a Victorian hotel lobby but mainly rocks everywhere. It reminded me of a canyon of sorts but it is tilted and broken, nearly intact. There's a front desk, lobby mural; wrought-iron elevator, and more. Shafts of moonlight shoot down from cracks in the ceiling. "This was the hottest resort in Santa Carla back about eighty years ago. Too bad they built it right on top of the San Andreas fault." I jumped off the rocks to the ground, "In 1906, when the big one hit San Francisco, the ground opened up and this place took a header into the crack."

I ignored what everyone was doing in favor of walking around just examining things, "Man, you wouldn't believe the cool stuff we've found in here." I looked back at Paul to catch his eyes, he smiled and I blinked at him just as Laddie caught my attention, "C'mon, Michael. I want to go." I look over just glancing at the girl and my brother only for the words to be interrupted, "No. Stick around." Laddie pops up annoyed he doesn't have my full undivided attention like a new shiny toy and grabs my hand, "We were gonna grab some food." I take one more glance before Laddie drags me happily to the long haired brunette, "Good idea." Marko's head turns from me as he stands next to Dwayne when David calls. "Marko. We're hungry." Marko nods and leaves. "See? All you gotta do is ask." I hear a spark and a drag of breath, "How about an appetizer?"

Laddies stopped us right next to Dwayne at the fountain in the middle of the cave, my eyes caught the sight of David smoking a joint as Laddie pulled me down to sit harshly. He's strong for a child to the point I drop like a fly halfway on top of Dwayne, our legs touching. That wasn't the problem though as my hair cascaded my face, covering my expression from view, looking down my hand was situated on Dwayne's thigh, my hand a bit too close for comfort as I sat back up. I moved my hand blinking as he just stared at me, I faced Laddie and swiftly apologized, "ahh, forgive me, I didn't expect such a forceful move from a child." I hinted a glare at said child who was starting to color in a book, "anytime."

My face frowned slightly, my eyes ignoring as David passed my brother a joint, "anytime?" The man looks down at me and I notice just how warm his eyes looked, soft and brown, he also had an ear piercing, for a second my mind ran and I came to the conclusion he probably has more piercings in 'other' places, my eyes had an itch to shoot down to his chest but I paused at his words, "touch me anytime." I breathed in and gave a simple nod, dumbfounded. I looked up at him and he stared back, reminding me softly of an anime doujinshi or manga, "I see... so you are a pervert after all, no?" Paul hopped up to my side laughing as Dwayne snorted.

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