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A little late today been a busy summer already. Also sorry for the few short pages I'm not having trouble I just don't want it to end so soon lol.
A while later and I'm still in a bit of shock, being pulled out of it only by a car screeching to a rocky stop in the front yard, I instantly know it's our mom who runs into the house. I follow Sam out of his room and watch as he walks calmly down the stairs, "Sam! What happened!? You had me scared to death. Are you alright?" Sam speaks up as I make my way downstairs behind him, "Sorry, Mom. It was a mistake. I thought I saw something out the window." She's checking him over quickly in her rush as he tries to get his words out, "I was reading this horror comic and I guess I got a little carried away..." She looks at him with skepticism and disappointment. "Where's Michael?" She looks between us expectantly, "he's already gone to bed."

She groans shaking her head before tossing me her car keys, "I have had enough of this tonight, take Sam to the store will you, we need some more milk since someone decided to spill it all over the place," She moved her hands in an exasperated motion before smacking them down on her sides and walking to the phone. "Go get your shoes Sam," I rub my face for a quick moment and look over to our mother after Sam runs up the stairs, "Well, thank you, anyway." She looks at me after hanging up the phone on the wall and sighs, "sorry," her head shakes over at me as she lays into me with a harsh tone, "you know he shouldn't be reading scary comics Willow, how could you let him get those?" My mouth pops open as she turns around and goes to clean up the floor in the kitchen with an angered groan as I whisper to myself, "how is this my fault?"  

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