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I'm back....



Opening the door to my room I looked back at the hallway as I walked inside. A hand is placed over my mouth again and my door is shut with my back to it, "mmph," the hand moved and the blue-eyed blonde spoke up sheepishly with a small smile, "sorry," I shook my head at him, "Marko?" I caught his smile and questioned him, "what are you doing here? I thought both of you left..." a smirk caught my eyes and he turned looking back at the bed, turning my own eyes I see Dwayne; no shoes on, shirtless and leaned back in the previous position from earlier, "what? Why are you dressed like that?" Shaking my head I corrected myself as I became flustered quickly, also noticing Marko was shirtless and jacket-less, "where are your shirts?!" I half whispered my frantic question, only pausing when Marko's hand moved across my hip and locked my door behind me, "Marko? What, what are you doing?"

"Nothing." I swallowed, "why'd you lock the door then?" His head tilted and he grabbed me by the waist only to be pulled back by Dwayne, "dude?!" I paused about to scold him for some reason when he grabbed me making sure to fully hold me against the door, "what are you doing, dwayne?!" My whisper didn't seem to reach his ears, instead my arms were above my head and his free hand was pushing up my shirt.

"Willow?! Are you okay?" My eyes widened and I smacked my hand over the opening mouth of Dwayne, "I'm fine Sammy," I almost stutter as I come to a stop while talking to Sam, a feather like touch crossing the underside of my breast as the door knob started to jiggle, "are you sure?" I sucked in a breath grabbing the knob and holding it, the lock on it not bringing me peace of mind as Dwayne started rubbing his thumbs in circles on my skin. "I'm sure, g'night Sam," He said 'goodnight' and left no longer trying to open the door as Dwayne suddenly picked me up by the waist, surprising me into wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

He doesn't walk me very far as I ask him what he's doing but he's tossed me down on the bed in front of Marko who's sat back against my head board. As soon as my thighs hit the edge of the bed, Marko's pulled me back by my waist until I'm sat between his legs. "You haven't come to visit," I sighed watching as Dwayne moved to kneel on the bed watching me, "I barely know you," his eyes narrowed, "then visit, get to know me..." I swallowed biting the inside of my cheek, I knew he was right, I didn't expect to know anyone if I didn't communicate, "I dunno, that seems like a lot of work," his eyebrow raises as he looks down at me, Marko hugging me to his chest as we talk, "then I guess we'll have to just keep coming to you then,"

"I mean you could, but that seems like a lot of effort on your part." He shrugged, flopping down onto his side looking at me, "I like the effort though."

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