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It's been more than a few minutes and now music plays as Dwayne shows off on a skateboard, everyone is very mellow having smoked some, all but Laddie and I were feeling cloudlike, "Where are you guys from?" I looked up from the book of colorful drawings to Michael, Paul answered before anyone else could, "We're from right here." I shot my eyes up to the blonde as he sat next to me, Micahel rephrasing his question, "I mean, where do you live?" The answer was simple and quick, Michael not understanding still. "Right here."

"You live here? Your folks let you?" Michael was surprised, I was coming to realize that the guy from the movie shop wasn't their father after all. "Is he talking parents?" Dwayne bucks out a short sentence with a laugh and my eyes flit to his chest as he hops on his board, "what are they?" The others laugh and I look back down to Laddie thinking, 'where were his'? "We do what we want, Michael. We have complete freedom. Nobody knows about this place... and nobody knows about us." I don't have to look at my brother to know that Michael is intrigued -- and apparently David sees it, stepping closer to him as he continues, "Freedom, Michael. No parents. No rules. Hell, we're as free as birds." Marko suddenly arrives with a cardboard tray filled with cartons of take-out food. "Chow time!" I look up to the curly blonde, catching his smile with my eyes as he glanced my way David stands to take the cartons from his hand as Laddie runs up. "Chinese! Good choice." He pops the lid on one of the cartons after handing Laddie a carton and approaches Michael with the open one, "Guests second." Michael hesitates very clearly, "It's only rice. Don't you like rice? 300 million people can't be wrong." Michael takes the carton warily and David immediately turns his back on him, passing out food to the others before turning to me.

Laddie calls me over at that moment and so I grudgingly stand and walk over with a soft sigh, ignoring the looks towards me I sat next to Laddie as Michael takes a mouthful of rice using the plastic spoon the shop provided. Marko passes me a carton and I look at it questioningly before taking it with a quiet thank you. The boys watch me pop it open, Laddie laying against my side as he eats. I watch as the others begin to eat before taking the spoon and taking a bite of rice, chewing slowly as Laddie shifts his way into lap. I'm not the only one who watches the movement but I am the only one who seems to find it normal. "So how do you like those maggots, Michael?" I looked up to see Michael with rice on his face swallowing his bite, "What?..." I watch as he takes another bite as David speaks again, "You're eating maggots. How do they taste?" Michael looks at his food. spits out his mouthful throwing the carton to the ground in disgust and horror. But as the carton spills out on the floor I see it's just rice plain as mine. Michael looks mortified as I take another bite myself, slightly confused even as Star stands and speaks, "Leave him alone."

"Sorry, Michael. No hard feelings, huh?" David sticks his hand out, offering his carton and the chopsticks that reside in it. "Here. Try these noodles." Michael looks at the noodles and his expression turns to one of disgust, "Worms!" I'm more confused than anything but just stay silent, "Worms?..." David tilts back his head and pours the contents of the carton into his mouth while Michael looks on with a disbelieving expression, he grabs David's arm yelling, "Don't! Stop!" David's arm is pulled down with the carton, "Why? They're only noodles." David shows Michael the carton again and he sits back shocked after snatching the carton, he was upset tossing the chopsticks into the cup only for one of them to drop in a clatter on the floor. The boys have a good, long laugh at his expense and Star yells moving to Michaels side, "That's enough!" The music changes, a new song popping on loudly, everyone begins to move to the music. Star encourages Michael to dance with her but it's clear he's feeling the effects of the joint he smoked and his balance is a little off as he stands with her.

During all this, David has located a bottle of wine. He pours some into a paper cup and offers it to Michael right before he lifts it to his mouth, David stands before me puring another small cup and offering it to me. Michael is about to drink when Star grabs onto his arm, "don't Michael. You don't have to. It's blood!" Michael examines the contents of the cup and smiles as if he knew it was a joke, his eyes look to me and I grab the cup with a raised brow, "Good joke, blood." Michael brings the cup to his lips and drinks as I mimic with a sigh, tossing the drink back and swallowing. The Lost Boys watched carefully, four eyes watching my throat as I swallowed, laddies eyes being one of them. My eyes catch my brother, the deep viscous liquid dripping from his mouth in a rivulet. I realized in a second that coppery taste of metallic liquid as Michael passes out.

I gave a sigh and set the cup down on the couch next to me, "well then, i'm guessing this isn't the first time you've drugged someone David," I looked up at him and caught his smile as my eyes started feeling like leaded pipes and closed slowly.

Bloody Story 1987Where stories live. Discover now