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"So what are we doing here?" I slid off his bike as he cut the engine, "you'll see, it's cool, promise." I nodded giving him a look, "sure... Are you secretly a serial killer like Laddie?" He choked and started laughing after he coughed a bit, my hand still on his back after patting him, "Laddie? No, he's vicious. I'm mildly, voracious." I raised a brow, "Voracious huh? Well then mr. killer, save me for last won't you," I huffed a laugh out of my nose with a smile and walked forward not seeing him lick his lips and watch me, his eyes trailing up and down, "I don't know, you look too delicious."

"Oh well then, make sure to save me for last otherwise you'll wish you had." I smiled and hopped up onto the tracks balancing myself with my arms out to the side, "It's pretty foggy out here," he nodded behind me and walked further in front of me not moving more than a few feet before me, "yeah, cool huh? Spooky..." He wiggled his fingers at me and I threw my head back in laughter before flinging my hands behind my back, clasping them together. "So, exactly what are we doing at the train tracks," I paused looking at him as I got really close, "all the way out here?"

"I'm gonna eat you, what else?" I smiled, titling my head as I looked up at him, "oh I dunno, what else could we possibly be doing out here, M-a-r-k-o." I walked around him and hopped back onto the rail, he followed me with a smile on his face. I turn around first hearing engines behind us. In the distance there are four bikes with headlights barreling through the slightly foggy area, "I see, so it's not just going to be us out here huh Marko?" He shook his head not saying anything after taking a glance behind himself at the incoming boys. "Mm, what a shame..." he raised a brow at me, "is that okay?" I nodded with a sigh, "yeah, just a shame... I was sure we could have found something to do, just us." He gulped looking down at me and I gave him a small smile looking up at him, "oh well."

The boys arrive on their motorbikes after a few seconds and I walk around a newly groaning Marko, barely brushing his shoulder. "Perfect time." My face goes stoic and I watch as they move towards the trestle. The rest of the boys climb from their motorbikes as David walks onto the trestle. My brother is with them, "Willow." I nod to him, "What's going on?"

Davids looks at him and smiles, "What's goin' on, Marko?" The curly haired teen appears on my shoulder, halfway hanging on me as he speaks, "I dunno. What's goin' on, Paul?" Marko pulls me with him, turning us around as Paul answers him, "Who wants to know?" I rolled my eyes at the act of their conversation, "Michael wants to know." The boys laugh and Michael looks irritated as he watches as Paul and Dwayne climb below the trestle, holding onto the railing with their hands and allowing their bodies to dangle over the fog-shrouded gorge. I'm confused as I watch them climb down, "Now you, Michael." Marko nudges me forward and I give him a look as Michael hesitates. "Do it, Michael. Now!" Michael summons his courage and climbs down. David follows him as Marko watches my face, "join us Willow," I rolled my eyes, "I really was right," He raised a brow again and opened his mouth to speak but I continued before any words could fall from his lips, "would have been a lot more fun if it was just us."

He swallowed as I walked towards the railing, not bothering to follow the same path the four boys below us did, instead I climbed on top of the side railing, straddling it before flipping my other leg over the rail to face the gorge. I gave a sigh closing my eyes as the boys below me laughed, Marko hopping up to sit by my side. We listened to the boys screaming as a train horn blared down the tracks, everyone looked excited except Michael when I looked down at them hanging. The fog is billowing up beneath all of us and I look back up to Marko. The train racing towards our way whistles as the light comes into view, I turn away from the sight, "ready?" I looked at him, "for what?" The trestle begins to shake and David's voice rings out, "Hang on!!"

Next thing I know is the train is blaring past behind us shaking the rails and our body with the motion as my hair whorls in the air, "Willow!" My eyes catch onto Marko's, only for his hands to let go of the rail and grab the back of my neck. He's kissing me and I'm frozen in place for a second before my eyes shut and I kiss him back. His other hand lets go of the rail and when he pulls away his hand shoots from my neck to my waist and he's pulling me into his side only to pull me off the rails with him when he hops off. The roar of the train is nothing compared to the fast drop as Marko laughs with a 'woohoo' leaving his chest, Paul and Dwayne dropping after us. "Willow!? Willow!?" Michael is screaming my name but the air rushing past my ears is all I can hear as I'm too scared to make a noise.

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