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At first I wasn't sure what was happening but when a certain part popped up in my mind and suddenly I was out on the cliff overlooking the ocean and the stars I relaxed. Two different jacket wearing lost boys on each side of me. We weren't just sitting there looking at the waves, we were pointing out the stars and gazing at the darkness filled with them, a beam from the lighthouse wrapping around in loops all over the place repeatedly, it looked beautiful somehow.

"Do you ever just wonder, maybe those stars aren't really there, like how when certain people look at lights they create like a streak? It's not really streaky, you're just seeing it like that." Marko looked over at me sort of lost but smiling, "so then what do you think they really are?" I shrugged smiling as I looked up at them, "stars, but what if it's like a mirror effect in our minds you know, what if it's really just one star but our eyes are seeing it like a thousand times or something?" Dwayne chuckled next to me and I nudged his side, "it's not funny," I was smiling a small effort in keeping myself from also laughing, "so only one exists?" I shrugged as best I could, "no, no, I just, what if that was the case, you know, how insane would that be to someone who could only see what was really there, only one star..."

"It would be pretty crazy, everyone seeing it a certain way but only you knew the truth..." Dwayne had sat up and looked at Marko, sharing a similar thought I was oblivious to... My mind only came back to me when my name sounded in my ears, little whispers of noise to pull me back to Dwayne and Marko.

"It's just us," looking at Marko smiling I'm stuck seeing him so close, a little glimpse of seeing him mistake certain stars for the wrong ones, pointing up at the sky in my mind, "hi," I smiled brightly up at him, "where have you been?"

He laughs so softly I almost join him when my door swings open and I'm wincing with a jump as my door slams against the wall suddenly. "What the hell Sam!?" Turning on him I watch as he fumbles for his pockets and yanks his hands out, full fists. "Vampires!" I watch as he throws handfuls of garlic at us and I blanch, pausing as some of it smacks me in the face suddenly before falling onto the floor and rolling to a stop. "What the fuck Sammy?!" I had thrown my hands up as I shrugged, completely shocked, he also truly looked shocked as he mumbled under his breath, "it didn't work..."

"No shit nerd," I smacked Dwayne on the chest and looked at him pointedly for a second, "he threw garlic at us!" Rolling my eyes I turned around only to pause, "come on let's go," I looked up at Marko as Sam ran out of the room, "what? Where are you going?" He looked at me for a second before looking at Dwayne, "we're leaving Santa Carla... While we still can," His pause with words made me swallow at the unexpected news, "wait what?"

"Come with us," I see how quick Marko's head shoots back to Dwayne, and distantly I hear the sound of boots running downstairs. "What?" I watch as Dwayne pushed Marko to the window, watching him jump out before he perched himself and looked back at me, "I want you to come with us," I blinked more than a few times trying to wrap my head around it when I stepped forward, his hand grasping mine as he looked into my eyes, the boots racing up the stairs one after another, "you're actually insane though..."

"Only for you sweetheart." I shook my head and brightened with a large smile and a laugh as I grasped his hand hard, "wait, what about my family?" He looked at me as I bit the inside of my cheek. I looked back at the door, everything seeming different now that my mind wasn't a jumble of black holes and missing memories. I decided almost instantly, stepping up to him only to be pulled out of the window like the night on the tracks with a giggle on my lips. Just as the footsteps finally made it to the top of the stairs, seconds later my name being screamed out at the sight of an empty room... I couldn't hear it though.

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