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 If anyone actually reads this lol, after this book would you rather me post my TVD book or my book of the 100 while we wait for my last Lost Boys book???? I love input lol...

 If anyone actually reads this lol, after this book would you rather me post my TVD book or my book of the 100 while we wait for my last Lost Boys book???? I love input lol

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I'm rolling over with a groan, waking up from a sudden nap, it's sweltering in the room or it feels like it is. Sitting up I hold my hand to my face, opening my eyes with an awful labored breath, the first thing I notice is how the floor looks like it's too far down to reach. Rubbing my eyes I stand up onto the wooden floor only to stumble knocking into my nightstand and forcing myself to grasp against the wall to keep from falling onto the floor. "Sam?!" My voice comes out in a whisper instead of the yell I wanted and I'm left sliding past the small side table with blurry vision, "Sammy?!" Only a small mumble leaves my mouth as I take my moment to look towards the door, the shadows in the room growing and moving, and suddenly, I'm dropping.

"I got you..." My vision stays blurred, blacking out every few seconds but the arms that caught onto me tighten around me and my eyes closed, "Marko?" I heard the hum of his voice and felt it reverberate through me, "Yeah, it's me Willow." I relax for some reason and my breath stutters harshly as I find it hard to suck air into my lungs, "What are, why, what..." He shushes me softly from my stuttering and I'm surprised I can still hear anything let alone his voice especially with how soft he speaks to me, "you're okay, I just came to check on you... you're gonna be fine."

"Open your eyes." I almost didn't, but my breathing calmed and when I did open my eyes, the shadows were no longer alive and the room was normal again, I suck in a breath as I turn my head into his chest, "thank you..." He stays quiet for a moment and when I pull away still a bit stricken with panic he brushes my hair back down with his hand. Only after I had a few moments to relax and straighten my bearing did I speak to him, "what are you doing here?" He speaks with the same tone, not bothering to talk louder, "to check on you," my brows crease together in confusion, curiosity picking at me now, "how did you get into my bedroom?" His eyes shifted to the side and when I look behind him I see my window is wide open and the curtains are pulled back to the side fully out of the way, "I wanted to check on you so," I licked my lips, "yeah you said that, twice... So you crawled through my window because you wanted to check on me?" I felt disbelief as he looked awkward sitting there with me.

"Climbed, but yea," I nodded slowly, "wait a minute," he stopped me suddenly before I could truly say anything, "I wanted to see you," I blinked, licking my lips again as he watched my tongue flick out and swipe against my skin, "So, I," I stopped, taking a second before rubbing my face, my mind was foggy and felt like it was stuffy almost heavy with pressure. "Are you okay?" I made a small noise, slightly uncomfortable as I shook my head sideways, I stopped shaking my head when the motion only made the feeling intensify and he rested his hand on my cheek, "look at me," I opened my eyes, catching his looking into my own, "it'll go away soon," I nodded slowly as my hand fell, watching him until I furrowed my brows finally clearing the fog enough to think of another question, "why were you checking on me?"

"Because, I like you," I looked behind him at the flowing curtains remembering only a lattice filled with vines was outside leading to the other part of the roof, my cheeks heating up at the thought for some reason, "what about the other guys?" He shook his head, shrugging, "what about them?" I took a deep breath before relaxing, "this is the second time you've snuck off to find me." He laughed to himself, speaking again, "so what, I can do whatever I wanna do." I nodded to myself and to his words, "so you want to be here?"

"Do you want me to be?" I froze and was stuck my lips parted and my eyes peering into his, "to be honest," I paused thinking of how I wanted to word my feelings, "I don't think I'd want anyone else to be here with me more than you Marko," I smiled at my words, a bit shocked for some reason, I began looking down shyly as he gave a goofy smile laughing to himself. I looked back up to see him shyly looking at me before his head turned, "well, I should probably get going, the guys are waiting for me," I nodded slightly bummed at the shortness of our interaction, "okay, bye," he cut me off with a smile before giving me a chaste kiss with that same smile and hopping up off the floor only to rush to the window and jumping out onto the lower roof before his feet hit the ground. I stood moving over to the window, quickly looking outside only to see him down below. "Goodnight," he called out to me as he walked backwards watching me from the window, "night Marko..." I watched with a smile as he left my view before internally screaming and bending over to rest my forehead against the window sill.

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