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Michael's outside the window in front of us; floating in mid-air

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Michael's outside the window in front of us; floating in mid-air. My eyes are wide and I've moved off the bed, standing in shock. "Oh, no! Oh, God! He's coming to get me! Mom!!!" Sam begins to yell and my eyes shoot down at him for a split second before shooting up back to the window. Michael is holding onto a long cord as the wind picks up on him, pulling him. The logical side of my brain instantly recognizes this as not a natural occurrence once I realized not even the trees were moving with the wind.

Distantly I hear the phone in Sam's hand go back into the dial tone mode, the sound barely there but still hear-able, "this isn't real..." Sam is frozen as I am but in a more fear stricken way, Michael rises further into the empty air outside, his hands sliding farther onto the cord as the wind pulls at him harder. Sam backs away from the window with a terrified expression as Michael bobs around in the air outside of the large window, he's yelling something but we can't hear what it is. Suddenly I jump in shock, a scared chill rushing from my feet up to my knees when Michael's foot smashes into the window opening it with force, that's when we hear him; Michaels voice, barreling at us. "Help me! Sam, Willow! Help me! I'm your brother! Please!" My shock wears off suddenly as the possibilities of what is happening short circuit my head. Sam is shaken back into reality and shoots forward as I rush past him.

Running to Michaels room everything is a mess, sheets on the floor, papers everywhere and the windows basically splintered open by the force of the cord being pulled from the wall to the outside where our brother is. "Michael!" Rushing to the window I look out while grabbing a hold of the cord, only for Sam to join me suddenly repeating the name with a yell before pulling back and starting to pull the cord back into the room with difficulty. As soon as Michael is close enough in reach I extend one of my hands outside of the window and he reaches for me grasping onto me like his life line. "Michael come on," It takes us a little longer than a minute to get him inside the room and when he finally is he moves forward so quickly it;s almost startling just to watch as he grabs onto the bed and the cord to keep himself weighted.

"We've got to stick together. You've got to help me." Sam instantly backs up pulling me with him, "What about Mom?" Michael yells pulling my eyes away from our scared little brother, "No! We can't tell Mom!" He looks distressed for a moment almost like our older brother finally snapped into a depressive scared childlike state, "Please, Sam. Don't tell her. Willow, tell him, we can't." I swallow, unsure of the right course to take at the moment, "I don't know, Michael. This is not like breaking a lamp or getting a 'D'." I nod along with Sam, "he's right what even, what happened to you?" He looked down at his hands before deflating, looking up at us as he stands, "Just for a few days guys. Give me a chance to work this out by myself." My jaw drops and I'm lost for a second shaking my head furiously, "by yourself! Do you even know what's going on?!" He sighs, shaking his head and holding his hands up fearfully, as if he was going to float away again. He grabs onto Sam suddenly and I freeze as Sam starts to struggle to get away, "Michael stop!" He doesn't hurt him, Michael pulls him into a tight hug before simply whispering over and over again.

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