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I shot up suddenly and slowly took a second to control my breathing as I brought my legs up under me. Sighing I rubbed my face before looking around, groaning, I placed my hand next to me as I swung my legs off the bed only to feel some kind of fabric under my calves. Grabbing it I realized none of last night was just a dream; it was all real and Dwayne had left his leather jacket on my bed.

I got up ignoring it for the bit of the time I took to change my clothes and wake up the rest of the way only to turn around and walk back to my bed to grab the jacket after I was ready to head downstairs. Pulling it on the leather material cooled my skin almost instantly and I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen only to pause at a soft voice, "morning sweetie, I made tea," I looked over to see my mom sitting with the plants on the kitchen porch, "okay," I felt a bit weirded out how she directed towards me and watched me with her eyes, "Willow?" I gave a hum, grabbing a mug from the cabinets, "yeah mom?" I heard her take a sip from her cup before sighing, "do you know where Michael is?" I looked up as I poured my cup, catching the side of her face through the window, "you had gone to bed already when he took off last night, he didn't say anything to me, guess he decided to hide away until Pop's finally got back so no one would notice or something," I heard her humming before she replied, "he's not very smart is he, otherwise your brother would have waited until I was asleep to sneak out," I nodded as she looked through the window at me, "be proud you still have a son who cares enough to stay home when he's told to." She smiles, "I'm sorry for getting upset with you sweetie, I really wanted to go to dinner last night, Max is..."

"It's okay, I kind of understand, dad didn't treat you right, you deserve someone who will actually pay attention if you get new earrings or what color your socks are when you wear your little beach heel thingy's," She laughed lightly smiling before patting the seat next to hers suddenly, "come sit, we haven't spent much time together lately," I nodded walking over, "you have to leave soon right?" She nods sadly, "work hours, it's nice but they are such weird hours," sitting town I pull my leg underneath me and relax into the chair.

We sat in silence with our tea for more than a few short minutes as we listened to the birds outside; at least until my older brother appeared. Michael drives up on his Honda, approaching the house. It takes him a few sluggish minutes to set his bike in a soft shaded spot before he slowly bounds up to the porch and tries to walk straight past us, our mom stopping him with just a hello, "hi Michael," he doesn't even look in our direction as I take another sip of my tea, "Hi." Michael nods and begins to walk again, "what's the matter, Michael? Aren't we friends anymore?" He stops. "Sure." I shake my head in an almost unseeable motion, "does that mean we are, or we aren't?" He speaks fast with his reply, "We are..." Looking over at our mother I see her soft smile directed towards him as she speaks in a certain way, "Then let's act like friends. Let's talk. I know this is a new place, and," in the moment she speaks I felt Michael's eyes latch onto me before I saw him roll said eyes through the tinting of his shades, "If there's a girl, we could talk about her." He starts moving away again, "I'm tired now."

"Wait a minute, kiddo." Michael groaned and I almost scoffed, "Mom... please." Michael heads into the house as she tugs on her earlobe softly to indicate Michael's newly pierced ear, "we haven't even gotten around to this yet!" I fully scoffed once I saw that Michael simply walked into the house without saying another word to her leaving her frustrated and sighing. "I just need a minute sweetie," I nod as she pats my leg and I get up following my brother into the house to see Sammy at the island eating some cereal and our grandfather making a delicious smelling coffee, "looks like I wasn't the only one who got lucky last night." Michael doesn't reply to the older man but looks at Sam and meets his eyes before looking down at his comic as he takes his glasses off. I take my own peak walking over only to catch Michael hurrying away after seeing the page of a bloody vampire being staked.

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