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I took a small bite while watching the short blonde eating, "Samuel," I looked away noticing how our mother was smiling, a few teens watching us as Sam ate, "Do you enjoy your job," She looked at me wiping her mouth with a napkin before taking a small sip of her pop, "I'm starting to enjoy it, the girls there are so sweet and Max only works nights so," she paused her face flushing a light pink, "but he asked me to dinner yesterday." Sam and I looked at her in curiosity, "Max? Your new boss?" Her face lit up, "Yes. I would love for Michael and you two to meet him?"

I looked at her face, she was smiling brightly, "yes, that would be acceptable mom," Her smile was large as she excused herself after a few minutes, "Alright, I think it's time I head on home, anyone want a ride?" I shook my head and jingled my keys in my hand as her face nodded in recognition to the sound, "Can I stay?" She agreed to Sam's question softly, only telling me to bring him home at an appropriate time, before we watched her leave after hugging us tightly, "Comic book store?" I looked into his shiny eyes, "Do you want to go there? Those two are a bit weird wouldn't you say?"

We left the shop as he spoke to me, "you think those two are weird? You talk like you're writing a novel or a biography." I gave a hum and looked down at him as we continued forward. I guess he was right in a sense but it felt inappropriate in most ways to talk like Michael or him, mainly for it would sound like I was a blithering idiot. "Mm, I would rather talk like this than like you or our brother and sound like I never went to school in the first place." He deadpanned looking up at me as we rounded through the shops littering the boardwalk, "I don't talk that bad," I nodded giving a hum, "no, you're much more pleasant I guess, Michael sounds like a bag of rocks are in place of his brain. 'Like the ocean'." I shook my head and Sam laughed.

It was almost completely dark outside as we walked into the comic store, Sam immediately walking back off towards the superman section to have a thorough look through of the selections on display, I moved to the other side. Picking up an old 1982 X-Men comic I scolded the pages quickly only stopping on a certain few to look at the graphics. The interrogators were here but they were just sitting back and mumbling to each other until someone new came in, "Sam? Hi sweetie," I nodded to our mother who appeared as Sam looked back at the bandana and dog tag wearers before looking back at her, "What's up?" She smiled and laughed slightly, "I have to go to the store, you said you wanted to come with the next time so I came to look for you before leaving," he nodded to her, "Okay," looking at me he nudged his head towards the two teenage boys and I nodded shaking my hand, "have fun you two, I'll be on my way home shortly then." She nodded as he looked apprehensive, but they both left.

"What, was that your mommy?" I looked at the bandana boy and nodded once before glancing behind the counter to the sleeping hippy couple, "Is that your's?" I put the comic down as they walked over, "read the comic yet?" I tilted my own head at them before sighing, "the vampire one?" I received no confirmation and so I blinked dully at them, "I prefer werewolves." The dog tag boy almost laughed until the other nudged him, "is that all you wished to ask me?" I received a pair of furrowed brows, "why do you talk like that? What are you from the 18th century or something?" They looked at each other for a mere second before looking back at me, "I also prefer to speak how I want to, or are you just trying to insult me?" I received no answer so I made one simple comment, "if you're assuming I'm a part of the walking leeches I can confirm I am not." I turned prepared to walk as I spoke, "you shouldn't store the batman and daredevil comics with the X-Men boys."

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