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"Come on baby, it's okay, you can wake up now..."

I shot up freaking out and clutching my throat, it felt dry and scratchy like I was dying of thirst, scrambling out of bed I pause for a moment, and immediately make my way to the door then to Sam's room, accidentally waking him up in the process of not realizing what time it was, "Sammy?" When his eyes open he shoots up to see the stuffed owl on his bedside table and groans, rushing to toss it into his closet, "I wish he'd stop giving me these things." Sam opens the closet, letting me see about a half-dozen other mounted creatures scattered inside. He tosses in the owl as the door shoots open, scaring me, "I know everything." I back up away from our older brother as he appears suddenly, noticing me, "you're okay? Oh my god you're okay, I'm so sorry I left you there Willow," He steps up to me and I almost flail back until I'm at Sam, "don't touch me Michael."

"What's going on? What'd you do Michael?" I almost feel like shivering as my spine chills, "nothing Sam," I scoffed, already upset, "you looked like them, and you tried to attack me Mikey, that's not nothing!" Sam looks concerned, "I didn't mean to, I lost control Willow, it's not my fault, I'm sorry please!" From outside the window we hear yelling, "Michael! Michael!" Sam and Michael go to the window and look outside as I back up to the other side of the room. "It's that girl from the boardwalk. Is she one of them?" Michael shakes his head as they watch, "I don't know."

"I have to talk to you. Can I come up?!" I can hear the female voice yell, "okay." Michael turns from the window and shoots to the door, steering clear of me just slightly when suddenly the french doors burst open and smack against the walls, "she's one of them!" Sam's yelling brings Michael back as our little brother backs up to my side in a rush, Michael turns and sees Star standing in the balcony doorway. She flew up to the balcony, no climbing. "Do you know where David took me tonight, Star? Do you?!" I didn't realize how angry he was, "Yes... and I'm to blame for it. If you hadn't met me... if I hadn't liked you... I tried to warn you..." I tried to remember when she possibly could have done so, "That night in the cave, that wasn't wine they gave me to drink... it was blood! David's blood." He paused and stepped closer to her as I moved Sam behind me suddenly remembering a whole lot more now, "I'm one of them, Star! I'm just like them!" Star spoke softly, shaking her head as she started tearing up and I felt bad for her, "Not yet... You're like Laddie and me... Half-vampires... You're not a full vampire until you've made your first kill... You were supposed to be mine... but I couldn't, Michael."

"Why not?" Her answer made Sam gag behind me, "because I love you..." I furrowed my brows, we hadn't even been in California for two weeks yet, "Then it's not too late for us..." I felt ridiculous watching as they stared at each other, "It's not too late for you to be saved... but each night... it becomes harder and harder for me to resist killing..." I swallow, "I know, I've felt it..." I knew he meant what happened earlier, "I'm weak... Soon I'll need to feed." Sam gulps behind me as Michael kisses Star, we watch as she pulls back suddenly and gets frightened. "David's looking for me... I have to go." Michael's holding her wrist now in a tight grip, "wait you can't leave, how do we fix this, "she shakes her head and looks between me and him, "I warned both of you, I tried, I don't know how to fix it but you can." Sam freezes behind me suddenly and his grip on my hand tightens, "both? What does she mean by both?" Michael turns, "she drank from the bottle Sam," I shook my head and suddenly Star spoke up, "she's not like us, I don't know what happened but David wants to keep her close, she's not like any of us, but you have to let me go Michael, I have to leave."

"You're not going anywhere..." I blink confused as Sam looks at me stunned and Michael walks towards us, "Sam..." In less than a second, Star is gone... out of the window she came in through, we don't even see her leave as she's too quick for us. Michael and Sam rush to the window and lean out after her, "Star." Sam calls after her, "Don't kill anybody until we get back to you..." Sam slides onto his bed and grasps for the phone, "who are you calling?" Sam is rushing as he twists the ring putting in the phone number, "the Marines." They both pause and look at me with some sort of emotion I can't pinpoint before Sam continues, Michael too ashamed to keep looking at me.

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