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It feels like his eyes are burrowing into my entire being when suddenly the door knob starts to jiggle almost erratically, "Willow?!" My head turns so fast and I'm a little frozen in surprise as Dwayne moves to sit on my bed, legs spread slightly as he leans back on his forearms, "why's the door locked?" I toss my head back for a second and sigh before moving towards the bedroom door and unlocking it. It shot open and my foot barely stopped it from fully opening, "I was changing." She pauses looking at me before turning sheepish, "oh, I'm sorry honey, do you know where Michael is?" I raised my brows, "he's in his room isn't he?" she sighed, shaking her head exasperated, "he's gone, again," for a second it looks like she's thinking, "could you find Sam and ask him to come see me after my shower?" I nod slowly, "yeah, I'll tell him he's probably downstairs," she sighs nodding her head as well, "okay thank you, night sweetie, love you." I return the sentiments and tell her goodnight before turning back to my room to see no one present, with another quick sigh I leave the room relieved that she didn't see any boys in my bedroom.

Walking downstairs the front door opens and I faintly remember hearing tires against the rocky road outside a few minutes ago, "Willow, what are you still doing up kiddo?" I shrugged, smiling lightly as I walked down the stairs, finally reaching the first floor of the house, "looking for Sam, how was your date with Miss Johnson?" His face breaks into a smile and he chuckles, "oh it was marvelous," I nodded smiling, "that's good," he nods and walks off speaking, "yep, make sure you get some sleep, Sam's on the front porch kiddo." I sigh again, "thank you," turning I walk outside and see Sam on the porch steps with the same vampire comic and I swallow taking a second before looking up and seeing Nanook smelling the flowers in one of the garden beds before hiking his leg. I looked back at Sam and opened my mouth to talk to him, "Sam," I watched as he jumped in his skin completely startled. "Oh, shit you scared me Willow, what do you want?" I made a face, "don't talk to me like that Sammy, I haven't done anything to you, " a short and soft sorry left his mouth and I nodded sighing for the hundredth time and sat next to him, "mom wants to talk to you before bed, she's showering right now though." He nods and opens his mouth wanting to speak but not finding any words, "what?"

"Do you think that, it's still him? What if that's not Michael anymore?" I looked at him a little sad noticing the depressed look in his eye as he looked out at Nanook his chin on his arms, "I don't know what's really going on Sammy, but, if it wasn't him, I think we would be a lot worse off than we are," he audibly swallowed and nodded sniffling with no tears, "yeah, I guess." I stood ruffling his hair, "come on, why don't you sneak some Oreo's and say I did it," he stayed sitting, "no, it's okay, I'm just... I'm gonna stay out here for a little longer..." I bit the inside of my cheek before nodding and turning, "night Sam," I turned looking at him softly as I opened the door, "night Willow."

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