Story Time

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The time I thought a nurse tried to touch on me 😂

Y'all I am ashamed writing this.

Okay so let me set the scene. I was one of those kids that moved around a lot, but most of the time it was between the two same cities.

Like in elementary I went to (School S). At School S, every semester we had a check up day, where we'd get out teeth, eyes, and our ears checked.

Basically it was to make sure we were all healthy, and if we needed any work done, or make further appointments, they'd send a sheet of paper home to give to our parents.

So fast forward, I move again, and this time in in middle school. 6th grade to be exact, and we'll call it (School N)

So for School N, it's time for our check up, and we had it set up in the library since it was huge.

I go to each station, eyes, mouth, and ears, and everything is fine.

But when the last nurse handed me my paper, she told me to go to the next one.

I'm confused on what she's talking about, cause I'm thinking I'm done for the day.

She points to the library door, and there's a nurse standing there and she waves me over.

I just follow her, not really knowing what's going on, but I guessed it was okay cause she was a nurse.

So she walks us down the long hall way towards the teachers private bathrooms, and more red flags are going off in my head.

There was a girl's bathroom outside of the library, but she didn't take me there. She went to the private one.

She opened this thick ass door, and tells me to go in, and y'all my mind is going a thousand miles per hour, wondering what the fuck is about to happen.

The door slams shut, and I'm jumping, just scared as fuck.

Y'all tell me why that lady looked me dead in my eye, and said "Turn around, take your shirt off, and bend over."

I wanted to fucking scream!

This bitch was trynna see my prepubescent goodies, and I was alone in a private bathroom with her.

I was only like 4'10 in the sixth grade, and that woman was huge, so I knew I couldn't beat her ass, and make an escape, so I turned around, took my shirt off, and bent over.

This lady scared the shit out of me, she used like two of her fingers, and started rubbing up and down my back.

I was so creeped out, and didn't know what she was about to do.

All of a sudden she stops.

I hear her writing something, and she tells me I can put my shirt back on.

When I turned around, she handed me the sheet of paper, and said.

"Give this to your parents, your spine's crooked"

And that was how I found out I had SCOLIOSIS 😂😂😂

I wanted to flush myself down the damn toilet, cause I really thought that lady was trynna touch on me.


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