Mrs. Right

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This is a pretty long imagine, with 11,688 words

Enjoy 😁


Caelian's POV

"This is taking longer than it should

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"This is taking longer than it should. They should've been here by now." My cousin Jersey huffed, throwing the end of his cigarette down, and stepping on it.

"If it's a set up, I'm gonna be pissed. I could be knee deep in some pussy right now, at the party." Bucca, my little brother said, squeezing his stress ball.

He doesn't know how to sit still, and he's a bit of a hot head.

Ma made him carry it around, to keep him from snapping out, but I could tell he was getting restless, if these guys didn't show up.

"Just be patient. If they aren't here in the next five, that just gives us a reason to take over their shit, and put more power in our hands. Either way, it's a win-win situation." I told them, leaning back against the truck, and looking at my watch.

I needed a nice drink and a blunt.

As much as I hate the parties my parents throw, they did always have a good selection of drinks I'd take advantage of, so I could take the edge off a long day.

After a few minutes, I told the guys to pack it up, when headlights flashed from a black van.

I watched it pull up about ten feet away from us, and we all stood up alert, ready for anything.

"Caelian, my apologies for our tardiness. Had a bit of a hiccup we needed to deal with." Augustus said, after getting out of the passenger side.

He had six guys with him, which wasn't unusual.

During these trade deals, we'd sometimes deal with people who wanna show their dominance, but it was futile.

They were in my territory, and I had guys all over this lot, waiting for anything to happen.

"Hiccup or not, I don't like having my time wasted. Let this be the last time, or our business will be null and void. Let's get to it."

Nodding he signaled to his guys to open up the back of the truck.

There were milk crates stacked up, and one by one, they took them out, laying them in front of us.

"Alright, just like we said 95 sawed off semi automatics, 40 nine mil, 15 ak47's, 60,000 rounds of ammo, and 70kg of c4." He said, naming everything off.

Taking out my knife, I stabbed it into the lid of one of the crates, and popped it open to make sure.

When everything looked good, I signaled for a few of my guys to come out of the shadows, and they pulled around in an off white van, and started loading up.

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