Love & Baseball

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Thank you all so so much, for getting this book to 700,000 reads.

You all are the most amazing readers, and having been crazy supportive, and I can't even express with words how much I love and appreciate you all.

I swear you all make my heart full with so much love ♥️

Warning ⚠️ (Mature Content Ahead)

Enjoy 😈


Ashton's POV

"Good work guys

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"Good work guys. I have a feeling this is gonna be our best season yet. You keep the great work going, we could be bringing home a championship." Coach Adams said, as we huddled up after practice.

Baseball season was here, and I was ready to win that trophy and ring at the end of the season.

After coach finished talking, the team went into the dugout, to pack up our gear, when coach called me over.

"Sup coach."

"Your grades, are what's up. You're doing a lot better, but I need you to keep maintaining it. You're our captain, and I need you to help lead this team to the championships. That can't happen, if that science grade is slipping."

"I will coach. I actually have a study session in a bit. I won't let you down." I said, and he patted me on the shoulder, before I left heading to my campus apartment.

I had a little over thirty minutes to be at the library, so I took a quick shower, and slipped on some sweats, before heading across campus.

When I walked in, I signed the login sheet, and looked around to spot my tutor.

It was a bit packed in here, but I spotted her at our usual table.

When I walked up, she had her head in a book, and was mindlessly twirling one of her curls around her fingers.

She only looked up, when she heard me pulling my chair out.

She only looked up, when she heard me pulling my chair out

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