All For Love

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This imagine was requested by my sis MissUnnoticed_ ♥️

I hope you like it babes

(This imagine has 11,302 words. Wow!)


Zola's POV

"These are gonna bring in so many more customers

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"These are gonna bring in so many more customers." I whispered to myself, as I was taking the hot pan out of the oven.

I had flour all on my apron, and probably smelled like every pastry known to man, but I loved it. I loved creating things.

"What are you working on now, Bean?" My mama asked, coming back into the kitchen.

She's the owner of Savory Sweets Bakery, and soon she'll be retiring, and handing over the business to me.

I've grown up in this shop, and being able to watch it grown from just an idea, to a well know spot to call my own is a dream.

"Stuffed cheddar, buttered, soft pretzels. Try it. Let me know what you think. I was thinking we could fill them with other things like, Nutella, vanilla cream cheese, strawberries, even make a Buffalo chicken stuffed pretzel." I said handing her a fresh one off the tray.

I watched as she bit into it, and a slow smile spread across her face.

"I think you hit the jackpot with this one, honey. I don't have a doubt that you'll do amazing things with the shop, once you're in charge. You've always had such a beautiful mind for creating things." She said, coming over kiss me on the head.

"Well I did get it from you."

"That you did. How about you put some of these out, for a test run? See how they do. I'm gonna go put this money in the safe, since the till is getting full. It'll be lunch time soon, and that rush is gonna be hectic." Ma said, snatching up the rest of her pretzel and going back into her office.

Carrying the tray out of the kitchen, and into the main area of the bakery, I placed them inside the specific display case, that was specifically for hot foods.

Carrying the tray out of the kitchen, and into the main area of the bakery, I placed them inside the specific display case, that was specifically for hot foods

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