Misery Business

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Here's another imagine, from my Wrestlemania XL bet with sheistanikamarie

This imagine is 10,664 words long. So fasten your seatbelts

Warning ⚠️ (Explicit Mature Content, Slight Mentions of Abortion & Su!cide)

Enjoy 😈


Nori's POV

"I feel like maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I really think, Nick is gonna propose soon

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"I feel like maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I really think, Nick is gonna propose soon. We're supposed to be going away this weekend, and maybe I'll come back with a ring." Carla, one of my friends said, as we sat with a couple of our other friends, at brunch.

"Has he given you any signs, or something?" Jasika asked, cutting into her steak.

"I don't know. He's been a little more attentive lately, and has been talking about having another baby. I think he's finally ready, to pop the question." She said, and I had to hold back from rolling my eyes.

Don't get me wrong, I want her to be happy, and would love to see her married, since it's what she's always wanted.

However, her and Nick have been together for nine years, and he hasn't proposed yet.

They already have two kids together, and I think it's fucked up that he sees she's good enough to get pregnant, but doesn't think she's good enough to marry.

I love my friend, I truly do, but I want better for her, and I want her to want better for herself.

Nick is already getting everything he wants from her, without even having to fully commit, especially when he knows she wants to get married.

"What do you think, Nori?" Monica asked, as I was on the middle of sipping of my lemonade.

"Um, I think it's a possibility. Hopefully he does, cause I know you've been ready to get married." I said, being as polite as possible.

I may not care for the guy all that much, but she's my friend, and all I can do is support her, no matter what my feelings are.

She's a grown woman, it's her life, and she's gonna make whatever choices she wants, no matter what anyone says.

"I have. I love him so much. What was it like when Daze proposed?" She asked, referring to my wife.

I've been married for going on three years, and I couldn't be happier.

I love my baby.

"It was really romantic. I honestly didn't see it coming, since she's always been so spontaneous. She took me on this ski trip, since she knew I always wanted to go. We were at the top of the mountain, just taking in the view, and then she proposed. She even hired a photographer, to capture the moment. It was so sweet." I smiled, thinking back to that beautiful moment.

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