Pandora's Box

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Y'all this imagine is different than anything I've ever done.

It's not some sweet, soft, cute, loving, romantic love story. It's honestly a woman in her villain era, and you may hate the main female character, or you may not.

Just know, it's crazy

(Warning ⚠️ death, mentions of suicide, sex, alcohol, etc.)

(This imagine is over ten thousand world long.)

Hell Hath No Fury, Like A Woman Scorned.


7 Year Old Pandora's POV

"You're beautiful, you know that?" My mother asked, as she stood me in front of the mirror, brushing my hair.

I stared at my reflection.

Deep dark skin, chocolate brown eyes, kinky poofy hair, being slicked back into a puff, and deep dimples in both my cheeks.

I look at myself every morning seeing the same thing, and I always noticed how much I looked like my mother.

She's beautiful. Like a pretty princess.

I wanna be like her when I grown up.

"Yes, I know."

"And why are you beautiful?" She asked, with a soft smile on her face, while sliding a white flower in my puff.

I loved flowers.

I think I loved them even more, because my mama loves flowers too.

White flowers.

"Because I'm a black girl. Black girls are beautiful." I smiled, showing all my teeth.

Well, I had one missing, but it was growing back in.

The tooth fairy gave me ten whole dollars for the tooth I lost.

"That's right. Always remember that, and never let anybody tell you any different. Okay?"

"Okay, mama."


Pandora's POV

28 Years Later

28 Years Later

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