Let This Be An Example

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I'm pretty sure I've made it clear several times, how things go, when it comes to MY books.


When MY readers come here, it's for imagines, discussions, and sometimes to share personal things about ourselves, because this is a safe space for black women.


What this page is NOT FOR is for somebody to tell me what I should and shouldn't be updating, when they don't even fucking follow me.

What this page is NOT FOR is for somebody to tell me what I should and shouldn't be updating, when they don't even fucking follow me

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I don't give a damn about you sending me finger hearts, cause at the end of the day, you disrespected me, and tried to wrap a nice bow around it, like I wouldn't come for your ass, and send you to the pits of hell

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I don't give a damn about you sending me finger hearts, cause at the end of the day, you disrespected me, and tried to wrap a nice bow around it, like I wouldn't come for your ass, and send you to the pits of hell.

As you can see, I've already responded to this person, letting them know the fuck up they made.

Now I would've let it slide, but I'm quite positive I made an entire list of the do's and don'ts when it comes to my books, and how things work here.

This person is being used as an example of what not to do, because MY readers, who've been fucking with me for a long time, knows how I get down.

WE talk to each other. WE share things with each other, and WE know this is a safe space for each other.

So to those who are just figuring out about my books:

First welcome, you're gonna have a great time here, and you're gonna feel safe, cause I don't put up with that bullshit.

Second, do not.

I repeat

DO NOT come into this book thinking you run shit.

If you wanna make a request, that's amazing. We'll talk one on one.

If you wanna come here to rant, that's fine, because I'm here to listen.

If you just wanna read some books and imagines, go right on ahead, and enjoy yourself.

But the audacity better stay at the front door.

Stupid shit like what this person commented, will get you muted

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Stupid shit like what this person commented, will get you muted.

Disrespecting black women in my comments, will get you muted.

Disrespecting me, also a black woman, will get you muted.

Just like I told this person who commented, Wattpad is not my life line. I do not get paid for these imagines and books, because this is what I want to do, and these are my own thoughts and ideas I'm CHOOSING to share with all of you.

I am here, because I wanted to make a space for black women. NOT because I have to.

In the real world, I work TWO FUCKING JOBS.

So when I update, it's when I can. Whether it's a chapter for a book, and imagine, and quick story time, or even a note to you guys, it's to let you know that I didn't forget about you, and that I'm working on something.

I understand y'all want content to fly out my ass, and honestly when y'all ask for an update or a part two, I don't get upset, because as I've said before, I know my readers, and I know this book is an escape for y'all, just like it is for me.

Half the time y'all be having me in tears laughing, so this message isn't for the people that have always been around, this is for the ones who are just getting accustomed to me and my work.

There is no set schedule, cause I don't believe in making empty promises. It may take me a while to update an imagine or request, but I promise I don't forget what you all have asked for.

I am a very peaceful and loving person, and I am very easy to talk to, but do not piss me off.

I am the queen of petty, and I will shit on your day, fuck up your life, and will have you weeping in your mother's bosom.

I suggest you not fuck around, and find out, just like this person did. Okay?

Don't start no shit, it won't be no shit.

Have I made myself perfectly clear? Cause I don't wanna have this conversation again.

To all my readers, thank you for this public service announcement. You may go back to your regularly schedule program

Love you 🥰

(REQUESTS CLOSED!) Skin Deep 2: Imagines/Requests For Black Women 21+Where stories live. Discover now