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⚠️Warning: Mature Content Ahead 😈

Enjoy 😊


Kitura's POV

"Baby, come on! You're supposed to be helping me!" I whined, throwing the drying cloth on my boyfriend's head

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"Baby, come on! You're supposed to be helping me!" I whined, throwing the drying cloth on my boyfriend's head.

"Baby, come on! You're supposed to be helping me!" I whined, throwing the drying cloth on my boyfriend's head

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He was standing in front of the tv, with a duster in his hand, yelling about whatever game was on.

His mom is coming over to have dinner with us, and she already doesn't like me, and I don't need for the house to be a mess, and she has another reason to complain.

You'd think I pissed in her breakfast, from the way she stares me down, and pretty much pretends I don't exist, whenever I'm around.

Dakari and I have been together for a few years now, and unbeknownst to her, we're getting married.

He invited her over for dinner, so we could tell her, and honestly I'm not looking forward to it.

But, maybe tonight won't be as bad as I think.

"Baby, did you see that?! That nigga got his ankles broken!" He yelled, getting hype, making me playfully roll my eyes.

He so fine, but can be so adorable at the same time.

I walked over to him, and kissed him on the lips a couple times, finally getting his attention.

"If you don't finish dusting the living room, I'm gonna break your ankles. Mkay?" I grinned patting him on the cheek, about to walk back into the kitchen, but he snatched me up, and tossed me on the couch.

He planted himself between my legs, and began biting and sucking on my neck.

"Or, I can break your back real quick." He whispered, deep voice caressing my ear drums.

It's crazy how much power this man's voice has over me, but I had to fight it, so I could finish making dinner.

"Nope. Your mother will be here soon, and I don't wanna mess up my hair." I said, yet my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, when he began grinding against me.

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