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Warning ⚠️ (Mature Content Ahead, Mentions of Alcohol, and Drug Abuse)

Enjoy Darlings 🥰


Lola's POV

I groggily stomped through my house, rubbing my eyes, as I made my way into the kitchen, to answer the phone

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I groggily stomped through my house, rubbing my eyes, as I made my way into the kitchen, to answer the phone.

Since I live in a penthouse, I have a landline, but the only calls I ever get on in, is from the front desk downstairs.

It was almost four in the morning, and I was being disturbed, but it had to be something serious, if they were calling, at this hour.

"Hello." I spoke, after clearing my throat.

"Hi, Ms. Bloom, this is Miller at the front desk. I sincerely apologize, for calling you at this hour. You have some guests here, that are requesting your presence." He said, making my face scrunch up.

I know I'm still half sleep, but what?

I only have a few people I've ever invited over, but they would call my cell phone, not just pop up, and try to reach me through Miller.

"Who exactly is it? It's way too early." I asked, slumping against the wall, trying to fight off my sleep, so I could listen.

"Um...well ma'am, it's Child Protective Services."

Well that woke me up.

"O-okay. Just give me a moment. I'll be down soon." I said, before hanging up.

I quickly ran back to my room, and threw on some sweatpants, and slid my crocks on my feet, before grabbing my phone, and getting on my elevator.

The whole ride down, I was trying to figure out what was going on, and why CPS was here to talk to me, when I don't even have any kids. Nor am I ever around kids.

Finally reaching the lobby, I step out of the elevator, seeing Miller standing there, seeming just as confused and nervous as I was.

"Ms. Bloom, nice to meet you. I'm Carla Wilde, from cps, and these are officers Daniels, and Green." A middle aged woman said, getting my attention.

Her and the officers were standing to the side, but my eyes went to the little girl that was standing in front of her, that I'd never seen before.

"Yeah. What exactly is this about?" I asked, still staring at the little girl.

She looked so familiar, but I really couldn't put my finger on it.

I could tell she was nervous, and scared.

She had a small backpack on, and was holding her pink stuffed bunny tightly in her arms.

"Could we talk somewhere, a little more private?" Carla asked.

(REQUESTS CLOSED!) Skin Deep 2: Imagines/Requests For Black Women 21+Where stories live. Discover now