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Hi my lovely readers. This is a quick update, concerning Wattpad, and the changes that are currently going on.

So on May 6 Wattpad is completely getting rid of private messaging, and any messages you all have sent me will be gone and deleted permanently.

They will not be adding any new feature to replace it, and expect any direct messages to be placed on our profiles or in the comments.

I know I get a lot of requests in my messages, and that is how we communicate with each other privately.

Also, when I get requests, they are meant to be kept between you and I, and I understand some may be uncomfortable leaving requests publicly.

So, what I have done is created an email, specifically for Wattpad, and requests.

That way we can still have a level of privacy, and email back and forth, if and when necessary.

That email is overkookiewatt@gmail.com

As I've stated, this is gonna be for requests, and private messaging pertaining to Wattpad, and it is a direct link to be in contact with me, if you choose to.

I'm not too happy about the changes being made, but it's out of my hands, and all I can do is make sure I continue to keep this a safe space, that I've promised all of you.

Thank you all for the constant support, love, and endless blessings.

I will be updating an imagine soon, I've just had a crap case of writers block, but I will be posting shortly, so hang in there.

Also, to reiterate RIGHT NOW, requests are still closed, so I won't be accepting any new ones. As soon as previous requests are posted, they will be opened back up, and I will announce it, and let everyone know. But for now, they are closed, until further notice.

I love you all. Have a blessed day ♥️♥️♥️

(REQUESTS CLOSED!) Skin Deep 2: Imagines/Requests For Black Women 21+Where stories live. Discover now