Love Overkill

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This imagine is 10,860 words long. Wow 😯

Warning ⚠️ (Extremely Mature Explicit Content Ahead! Read At Your Own Risk)

Enjoy 😈


Mark's POV

"Thank goodness we got a reservation, cause it's packed in here." My little cousin Melissa said, as all we all took a seat, at the table.

It was about seven of us, and we were out to celebrate her 29th birthday.

"We were on the waiting list for like two weeks, so we better have had a good table. Anyway, happy birthday Mel. You don't look a day over 28." Her friend Koya joked, lightly dancing in her seat.

"Thank you. Thank you. I feel elderly as fuck though." She said, and our waitress came over, ready to take our drink and appetizer orders.

Just as she got to me, a familiar face walked up, with a big smile on her face, and a gift bag.

"Nadi! Oh my gosh! I missed you!" Melissa gasped, jumping up from her seat, to tightly hug her

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"Nadi! Oh my gosh! I missed you!" Melissa gasped, jumping up from her seat, to tightly hug her.

I could barely focus on giving my order, cause I was too busy staring at Nadi.

I could barely focus on giving my order, cause I was too busy staring at Nadi

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My ex wife.

We'd been divorced, for about three years, and I've only seen her a couple times, since her and Melissa have been best friends since college.

I think the last time I saw her, was a little over a year ago, when she came to a party Mel was throwing.

She ignored me the whole time, and pretended I didn't even exist, which I can't even blame her for, since I ruined our relationship.

"I missed you too, babe. You know I couldn't let you celebrate your day, without me. Hi guys." She said, waving to everyone, as she took a seat, in the only chair that wasn't occupied.

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