Hot Potato (2)

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So I recently made a bet with one of my friends and readers sheistanikamarie on the Royal Rumble match a week ago.

There were four matches, I lost one, and won one, so thanks to her, y'all are getting a part two.

I know y'all have been begging for one, but I hadn't made any plans to write, since I figured their story was over, but she got my ass 😂

Anyway, this one of course comes with a warning ⚠️ (Mature Content Ahead )

Enjoy 😈


Holli's POV

"Is there anything we could possibly do, to keep you on our team? We've been handling your account, for going on 15 years

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"Is there anything we could possibly do, to keep you on our team? We've been handling your account, for going on 15 years." I asked, one of our biggest clients, but he was adamant about moving to another company, and using their accountants for his money.

"I'm sorry, but this lawsuit is major, and I don't want to run the risk of losing any money. I've worked hard my entire life. This is my retirement, and my children's future on the line. You've been incredible, and I thank you for handling things as well as you have." Mr. Williams said, giving me an apologetic smile.

I didn't want to push too much, since this is already a sensitive situation.

The accounting firm I work for, is facing a huge lawsuit, due to one of my coworkers stealing money out of a major client's account.

So many of our clients have gotten their own lawyers involved, to do some digging, and they've found several more accounts had been taken advantage of.

Mr. Willam's account hasn't been affected, however so much has happened, he didn't want to take a risk, since there's a possibility that we'll have to shut down.

I know my job is at risk, so since I've heard the news, I've had another job lined up, but it still sucks that all my hard work just gets flushed down the drain, because other people are greedy and selfish.

"I understand. I appreciate your time, and for allowing me to be of service for so long. You take care, Mr. Williams." I said, as we stood up.

He shook my hand, before leaving, and I slumped down in my chair, proceeding to close his account, and make the transfer of documents, to have sent out.

Today fucking sucks.


I'd worked through the morning, taking more calls from clients, and having to close a few more accounts.

With each transfer, the more I felt shitty, knowing I couldn't do much to help, or keep them, and the more I realized I had to leave this job.

I've been working here for so long, and I've built a nice relationship and trust with my clients, and now it's all gone down the drain, and I have to start over.

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