Eyes For You

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Aela's POV

Aela's POV

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"Damn. Kari really went all out. It's beautiful." I whispered to my sister, as we took a seat in the third row.

" I whispered to my sister, as we took a seat in the third row

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"Kinda shocking, cause you know how chill, and low key she is." She said, and I nodded along.

I know as kids, the three of us would talk about when we'd get married one day, and she always said she wanted something small, and simple.

This is everything but that, cause it looks like there's at least 600 people here. However, we were kids then, and people change their minds.

All I know is, this is a beautiful venue, and it looks amazing.

Might have to steal their wedding planner, for when I get married one day.

My sister and I kept talking, and caught up with a few more family members, when I saw somebody taking a seat on the other side, where Maria's family and friends would be sitting.

My sister and I kept talking, and caught up with a few more family members, when I saw somebody taking a seat on the other side, where Maria's family and friends would be sitting

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"Who the fuck, is that?" I whispered, trying not to stare, but damn.

She had on a suit, that looked tailor fit, and it looked damn good on her.

(REQUESTS CLOSED!) Skin Deep 2: Imagines/Requests For Black Women 21+Where stories live. Discover now