Up To You

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Ametsa's POV

"I just don't get what you see in him

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"I just don't get what you see in him. I know y'all have history, but you've grown. You're a different person now..." Aysia, my friend droned on, as I curled my hair.

I wasn't even paying her any mind anymore, cause she only had negative shit to say, and it's fucking up my mood

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I wasn't even paying her any mind anymore, cause she only had negative shit to say, and it's fucking up my mood.

She came over, cause she said she wanted to help me get ready for my date, but all she's been doing is talking shit, about what she doesn't even know about.

"...Like, are you lonely? There's so man-Aysia!" I yelled, cutting her off.

"You act like I'm about to run off, and get married. It's just a fucking date, that you're supposed to be helping me get ready for." I huffed, unplugging my curlers.

"You can't be mad at me, cause I'm worried about you going back to your toxic ass ex. He's no good." She said, and I looked at her like she was crazy.

"What the fuck are you even talking about? Waren has never put his hands on me. Ever. He's never even called me out my name."

"But him picking fights with you, and you coming to me crying, wondering why he's treating you like a stranger, isn't toxic?"

Ever since I told her I'd been in contact with my ex Waren, she's been in my ass, and acting weird as hell.

Yes, Waren and I had issues, and we fought a lot, but we mostly kept it between us, because that was our business. Plus we were young, and wanted different things, and shit just didn't work out.

"I'm a grown ass woman, and I don't have to check in with you, about who I can and can't go out with. I don't even know what's going on with you, but you've been on some mess lately, and I don't have time to deal with it. So either help me finish getting ready, like you said you would, or go." I said, turning to look at her, and she had a disappointed look on her face.

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