I Am So Done

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Honestly this is just a rant, y'all don't even have to interact if you don't want to.

I'm gonna have to stay off Twitter for a few days, because black men are showing their asses, with Tina Turner's death.

That woman had been mentally, verbally, and emotionally abused, not only by her ex husband, but by other black people for DECADES!!!

Now they want to throw dirt on her name, when she hasn't even been laid to rest, mad because she moved out the country married a non black man, and moved on with the rest of her life.

Every fucking day, that make it publicly known how much they despise black women, and how women of other races are better, but the earth will fucking crumble, if a black woman finds love in non black men.

It's gotten to a point, where I severely hate them with all my heart.

Like I truly hate black men, and it's not healthy, cause I know they aren't all like that.

However it's so many bad ones, and the so called good ones, rarely ever call them out.

Black men kill black women every single day, for absolutely no reason.

Call us worthless, leftovers, and undesirable, but when we move on to better, we're called bed wrenches, and traitors.

Black women can't do anything right, even when we're the victims.

Tina, Megan, Robin Givens, Aretha Franklin, and so many other black women have been abused at the hands of black men, but no one ever protects us.

They always want us to put on the cape and play superwoman, when they feel they've been done wrong, but I've been put down the cape.

I don't care anymore when they experience police brutality, I don't care anymore, when their white girlfriends kill them, I don't care anymore.

I love the young black boys in my family, I'm so glad that they are being raised right, but I can't say the same for other people's sons.

I'm just so exhausted, that I don't care anymore, and I truly need to double down on my therapist, cause I gotta heal from this.

If this post offended anybody, I understand why, but I truly can't apologize for something that I mean.

I won't apologize, when I know I'm not sorry.

The only thing I can say, is that I'm working on myself to be better, and working through my own trauma, that I've experienced in my life at the hands of black men.

Even though this is a dark post, I truly do love all my readers.

This is why I go so hard, to create a safe space for black women/girls.

No place is safe for us, but damn it, this is our safe space and if we wanna talk shit, we're gonna talk our shit, without being silenced, punched down on, and treated like scum of the earth.

I love you all, and despite this little rant, I really hope y'all have a good day ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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