The Business That Pays You

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I've approached this imagine in a different way, and I hope you guys like it.

It's not as long as the last two, but it is over 3,000 words long.

Anyway, enjoy 😁


Allison's POV (she won't have a pic, but imagine a hating ass bitch 😂)

"Sweetie, you can't be late. This is a big deal, and can really give you a big push in your career." My dad went on and on, but I just tuned him out, looking at my nails, to figure out what color I'm gonna do at my next appointment.

"I know, dad. You've only said it a hundred times. All I have to do is type on a computer, so it shouldn't be that hard." I huffed, rolling my eyes, as he pulled up in front of the tall building.

I just graduated from college a few weeks ago, and a close friend of my dad's, got me an interview at this top notch advertising company.

I got a call last week, telling me I'd been selected for a paid internship, and if things go well, within six months, I'll be hired as a full time employee, with amazing benefits.

Today was my first day, yet since I've gotten the callback, my dad has been on me nonstop, about staying focused, and keeping a good reputation.

I'm 22 fucking years old, and I don't need him babying me, and monitoring my every move.

"It's more than just typing. This internship could make or break your future, and if you mess it up, then I won't be able to get you out of it. Take this serious Alli. I put in a good word, but it's you who'll have to prove you belong here. Now, have a good day. I love you."

"Love you too."

Getting out the car, I adjusted the strap of my purse on my shoulder, and walked into the glass building.

The ceilings were so high, and the main area was buzzing with people in business attire, walking through, and coming in and out of the elevators.

I walked up to the receptionist desk, and began speaking, but she politely cut in.

"Hi, I'm Allison Oake. It's my first day- I remember you. You'll be working on the sixth floor. Here's your temporary card until you get yours, and when you get to your floor, Desai the receptionist will give you any more information you need. Have a good first day." She smiled, handing me my card.

Grabbing it, I headed walked over to the elevator, and got on with a bunch of other people.

The sixth floor button was already lit up, so I didn't bother pushing it.

The higher the number went up, and the more people that got off, the more I became nervous.

Butterflies swarmed around in my stomach, and I felt slightly nauseous.

I was fine, but my dad's words kept swarming around in my head, but when elevator dinged and stopped on my floor, I pushed it to the back of my mind.

This would be a piece of cake, and I'm worrying for no reason.

Holding my head up, I stepped off the elevator, and unlike the main floor, it was pretty quiet.

There was a small but luxurious sitting area, that a few people were in, having light conversation, and a few others walking with stacks of papers in their hands.

There was a small but luxurious sitting area, that a few people were in, having light conversation, and a few others walking with stacks of papers in their hands

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