Still Perfect

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Belina's POV

"Oh my gosh! What about these? They're so stinking cute

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"Oh my gosh! What about these? They're so stinking cute." My sister Justine beamed, holding up a pair of baby boots.

She came with me, to do some shopping, and to just get out of the house.

"They are cute, put them in the basket." I said, looking through a few racks.

I may have went a bit overboard, but I'm so excited to have my first baby.

I'm only four months, but time seems to be going by so fast, and I'm ready for my little bundle of joy to get here.

After finding what we needed in this store, my sister and I walked around the mall, and stopped at a few more places.

"Ooh! Let's go in here." She said, wiggling her eyebrows, while pulling me into a lingerie boutique.

"Oh no. I have no reason to be in here." I said, but she just waved me off, and went around the store, picking up lingerie sets, thongs, and other intimate shit.

"Seriously, Tiny. I don't need anything in here." I huffed, as she held up a lace teddy to my body.

"And why not? I'm sure Dylan would love to see you in this. It's sexy." She said, referring to my wife.

"I doubt it. Just put it back, please." I sighed, feeling myself about to cry.

"Lina, what's wrong? Did she say something to make you feel like this?" She asked, and I quickly shook my head.

"No. It's just...I'm not the same person she married. I feel different, and I look different, and I don't know if she sees me the same. I don't feel sexy anymore, and I can't even be naked around her." I said, wiping my eyes before my tears could fall.

"Aw, babe. Of course you're different. But, it's a good kind of different. You're carrying a life, it's a beautiful thing. Have you talked to Dylan about this?"

"No. I feel so stupid for even thinking like this, but I can't help it."

Dylan has been perfect through this pregnancy, but I've noticed so many changes in my body already, and I don't know how to take it.

I still have five months left, and I'm already feeling the woes.

"Does that mean y'all haven't had sex, since you've been pregnant?" She asked, and I lightly popped her on the arm, making her laugh.

"You would ask me that, but it's been well over a month since the last time we've been intimate. She tries, you know? But, I feel disgusting. I don't want her to think that I don't wanna have sex, cause I do. My hormones are raging, and I want her, but I'm nervous of her reaction if she sees me like this."

"That is all the more reason to get you something sexy, not just for Dylan, but for you too. You need to talk to her, Lina. Otherwise, you're gonna overthink too much, and create a wedge, and you don't want that. Now look around, and get you some sexy time stuff." She said, kissing me on my cheek, and walking to another rack.

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