Game of Love

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Warning ⚠️ (Mature Explicit Content Ahead 😈)


Monty's POV

"Thanks for the ride, man. I owe you one." I said, to an old friend of mine, as he pulled in front of my childhood home.

He picked me up from the airport, and gave me a ride.

I was back in my hometown, to visit my family, for a little while, since I've built up a lot of vacation time, from work.

I didn't tell my mother, since I wanted to surprise her.

"I'm holding you to it. See you later, man."

Patting him on the shoulder, I got out the car, and grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk, before walking up to the house, and knocking on the door.

After a few minutes, my dad opened it, and when he recognized me, he pulled me into a tight hug.

"When the hell, did you get into town?" He asked, and I could hear the excitement in his voice, as we walked into the house.

"About an hour. Is mom here?" I asked, sitting my suitcase by the door, and going to take a seat in the couch.

It's been almost two years, since I've been back here, and everything still looks the same.

I live on the other side of the country, and I usually pay for my parents to come visit me, a couple times a year.

"She'll be back soon, she went to drop off a present, for Alison." He said, referring to my mom's long time friend.

We talked for a while, catching up, when I heard a car door shut.

I quickly ran over, and hid behind the door.

My mom came in, and I quickly hugged her from behind, scaring her, and she elbowed me in the side, making me double over.

My dad had the nerve to laugh.

"Monty?! What the hell? When did you get here?!" She gasped, when she saw it was me.

I guess I don't have to worry about her ever needing to defend herself.

"Not too long ago. I wanted to surprise you, but I guess I got a surprise." I groaned, pulling her into a hug.

"You should know by now, to not sneak up on me. How long are you gonna be in town?" She asked, as we went back over to the couch, to sit down.

"A few weeks. I have some vacation time, thought I'd come see my folks."

"That's great. That means you'll be able to come to Dane's engagement party." She said, and it took everything inside me, to not roll my eyes.

Dane, my shitty step cousin.

Harvey, my mom's husband, isn't my biological father, but he's been in my life since I was four, so I consider him my real dad.

Dane is his sister's son, and we're the same age.

Because of that, we spent a lot of time being around each other, but we never really got along.

It became more intense as we got older, and there's been the constant battle between us.

He was incredibly athletic, had the hottest girlfriends, academically gifted.

I was as well but, he seemed to always one up me.

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