Sugar Sweet

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Character's name pronunciation (Muh-Tye-Uh) (Co-Ah-Me)

(This imagine is 12,994 words long. Yikes 😳)

(Warning: Explicit content ahead 😈)


Matiya's POV

"Are you kidding me?! I've never been late on any of my payments, can you at least give me more time!" I huffed into the phone, while holding an eviction notice

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"Are you kidding me?! I've never been late on any of my payments, can you at least give me more time!" I huffed into the phone, while holding an eviction notice.

My punkass landlord was being an ass, and is only giving me a short two weeks notice that I have to be moved out.

"Ms. Jones, I'm sorry. There's been an increase, and we've made significant improvements in the building. So it's either pay, or you'll have to go. It's out of my hands at this point. I'm in a tight spot myself." He said, further frustrating me.

The price of living has gone up everywhere, so it's not like I can just find another place that's more affordable, on top of the fact that I've been recently fired for some bullshit, and have been having a hard time getting a new job.

Life has been one shit storm, after the other, and this tops it all.

"Alright, fine. Thanks a lot."

I didn't even wait for him to respond, I just hung up, and slumped down in my chair, laying my head on the cold kitchen table.

I don't think I've ever been in this bad of a spot financially. I've had to come out of my saving just to fix my car, after some jackass hit it while it was parked.

My insurance was shit, so I had to come out of pocket to get it fixed, and now that I'm out of a job, and on the verge of losing my place, I'm stuck on what to do.

"Mati, you know you can always come and stay with me. I don't mind." My best friend Ziya said, rubbing her hands down my back.

She came over after she got off work, to check on me, and was the one who found the notice on my door.

In any other circumstance I would take her up on that, but she's staying in a one bedroom loft with her boyfriend, and I don't wanna invade their space, or be a burden.

She's already been here for me, and I don't wanna put too much on her, cause there's no telling when I'm gonna pull myself out of this drought.

"Thanks Z, but I'll figure something out. I always do." I said, lifting my head up, giving her a half smile.

I honestly felt like shit, and was overwhelmed, but I had to figure something out.

I refuse to be on the streets, so I gotta make something happen.

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