Honey I'm Good (MP)

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Earth 2
Y/n's View

"Hi, Y/n/n." Cassie says.

"Hey." I say.

"We should see who can finished the most shots." Cassie says.

"I would but I tend to do things I'll regret when I'm drunk." I say.

Nah, nah, honey, I'm good
I could have another but I probably should not

"And I have to drive Maddy home." I say.

I got somebody at home, home, home, home

"Just one." Cassie says.

"No, I've had a long night." I say.

It's been a long night here and a long night there

"Another reason to drink." Cassie says.

"Cass, no." I say.

"Why are you trying to get me drunk?" I ask.

"Maybe then you'll realize that I'm better than Maddy." Cassie says.

"Hold on. You're trying to get me drunk then take advantage of me?" I say.

Hold up now

"Cass, you look great but I'm not sleeping with you." I say.

You look good, I will not lie
But if you ask where I'm staying tonight, I gotta be like

"Sorry if I gave the wrong impression. Either way, you know I'm with Maddy." I say.

Oh baby, nah, baby
You got me all wrong, baby
My baby's already got all of my love

"Thank you but no thank you." I say walking away.

So nah, nah, honey, I'm good

Time Skip

"Cassie tried to get me drunk and hook up with me at that party last night." I say.

I could have another but I probably should not

"Why didn't you tell me this last night? We were at the party together." Maddy says.

"You were mad and sleepy so I didn't want to add to that fire." I say.

"I know you probably don't believe me though." I say.

"No, I believe you. I'm just glad. that you know to keep it in your pants." Maddy says.

I got somebody at home and if I stay I might not leave alone
Nah, honey, I'm good

"We're just gonna have a chat." Maddy says.

"She was probably drunk. Don't fight her, please." I say.

I could have another but I probably should not

"Mhmm." Maddie says.

"I'm serious." I say.

"I promise." Maddy says.

I smile and she kisses me.

Maddy wanders off and I go to class.

15 minutes later...

"I had no idea." I say.

"You had no idea Maddy was mad at Cassie?" Mr Howard asks.

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