Undrunk (JV)

692 10 2

Earth 31
Jules' View

I creep downstairs and out the door. I quietly shut the door and get in the passenger seat.

"Why are you at Y/n's house?" Maddy asks.

"Don't be a pussy, call and tell her how you feel." Elliot says.

Wish I could get a little un-drunk so I could un-call you

I look at Maddy and she gasps.

"You fucked Y/n?!" Maddy asks.

At 5 in the morning, I would un-fuck you

"Don't— Don't tell anyone." I say.

"That's your business, not mine." Maddy says.

Time Skip; Y/n's View

"You're joke early." Dad says.

"The party was kinda lame." I say.

Honestly, this party's over
Everyone here shoulda gone home

Dad nods and I go upstairs. I close my door and open a drawer.

I take the alcohol bottle out and drink some of it.

But I'm afraid of being sober

I put it back in the drawer and sit on my bed. I sigh and unlock my phone.

'Cause the first thing I do when I'm alone the photos that you used to send me

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'Cause the first thing I do when I'm alone
the photos that you used to send me

"You're a single woman now. You can't have pictures of your ex girlfriend in your phone." Nate says taking my phone.

Nate deletes the pictures and hands it back to me. I go to the recently deleted photos and recover them.

I should have deleted, but kept it a secret
Is that crazy to do?

I open another drawer and grab a bottle of hand sanitizer.

"Why do you have an entire drawer of hand sanitizer?" Jules asks.

"Oh my god, are you a germaphobe?" Jules asks.

I nod and Jules laughs.

I put hand sanitizer on my hands and one of my fingers start to tingle.

So I squeeze out the lime on the ice of my drink
And the juice hits the cuts on my fingers

I look at my finger and shrug.

It still doesn't burn as much as the thought of you

My phone rings and I answer it.

Wish I could get a little un-drunk so I could un-call you

"Hello." I say.

"Hey, are you home?" Jules asks.

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