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Y/n's View

"How are you?" Maddy asks hugging me.

"I'm trying to hang in there." I say quietly.

"If you need anything, call me. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now." Maddy says.

"W-Where's Rue?" I ask.

Maddy looks at Cassie and Cassie shakes her head.

"Not sure why I expected her to come." I say.

You don't make time like you used to

"She's been hanging with Jules and some guy lately. She's definitely been taking more pills than usual." Cassie says.

Got a new girl, new friends, brand new

When I first met Rue, she wasn't taking any pills. Then we started dating when she starting having an addiction but it wasn't as bad as it is now. She went to rehab but when she came back and relapsed, everything we had was over. She was completely different.

I swear it's like I don't even know you
Yeah, I miss the old you

"Why do you always assume something is wrong with me?!" Rue shouts.

"Because there is! There always is! You're either about to OD on your bedroom floor or missing!" I say.

I kinda want to fight like we used to

"And I'm trying I be supportive because I know you can't help it but you won't let me! Because you stay stupid shit like, why do you always assume something is wrong with me." I say.

"I'm sorry. I'm just stressed right now." Rue says.

"I-I don't even know what to do." Rue says as tears fill her eyes.

"Baby, you gotta talk to me." I say hugging Rue.

To make it alright like we used to
Anything, 'cause I didn't want to lose you

"I'll just have to cut her off completely." I say.

But this time we've gone too far

"Woo! I'm loosing someone else.." I say.

We've gone too far

They stare at me and Cassie hugs me.

"Why does everyone just leave me?" I ask crying.

This new you, this new dude

"Not everyone. We still got you, we all do." Maddy says.

"Fucking Fez can show up but Rue can't even text me." I say.

Don't know him, don't want to

"Fuck Rue, don't worry about her. Worry about who you still got and who still got you." Maddy says.

I wish that I still knew the old him, the old you

I nod and has hugs me.

Time Skip

Time Skip

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