Love Me Harder (RB)

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Y/n's View

"Maddy." I say.

"Hey, Bigfoot." Maddy says.

"Rue's been acting strange." I say.

"She's just a strange person." Maddy says.

"I think she's hiding something." I say.

"Just ask her about it, she won't tell you unless you do." Maddy says.

"Okay." I say nodding.

3 hours later...

I see Rue come outside and she wipes her nose. She hugs me and I smile.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

"Mhmm." Rue says.

"I know you're hiding something. You can tell me anything." I say.

Tell me something I need to know
Then take my breath and never let it go

"No." Rue says.

"No as in your not hiding anything or no as in you won't tell me?" I ask.

"No." Rue says.

"It can't be that bad. I'll still love you." I say.

"Love me?" Rue says.

"Y-Yeah." I say.

Rue smiles and kisses me.

"I love you too." Rue says.

"Now tell me." I say.

If you just let me invade your space

"I am an addict, I have been since I was younger. My family thinks I'm sober but I'm nowhere close to it." Rue says.

"Eating jolly ranchers as your every meal isn't that bad. Just exercise." I say.

"I do drugs, I like drugs!" Rue says.

"Oh. OH!" I say.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you." She says.

"You just caught me off guard, wasn't expecting that. That's okay. We can figure it out." I say.

I'll take the pleasure, take it with the pain

"Oh my god. You don't know how happy that makes me." She says.

I laugh and smile.

"I'm Team Rue." I say.

"I can tell." Rue says.

And if in the moment, I bite my lip
Baby, in that moment, you'll know this is

"You're in it for the long haul you just don't understand how happy that makes me." Rue says.

Something bigger than us and beyond bliss
Give me a reason to believe it

Time Skip

"You wanna hang out tonight?" I ask.

"No. With all due respect, I don't want to see you." Rue says.

"Part of a relationship is doing things together. That's what keeps people together." I say.

'Cause if you want to keep me
You gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta

"Eh, maybe tomorrow." Rue says.

"Rue, if you love me, you gotta show me." I say.

Got to love me harder
And if you really need me

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