Pills N Potions (MP)

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Earth 9Y/n's View

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Earth 9
Y/n's View

I knock on the door and it opens.

"I haven't seen you in so long." Suze says.

Suze hugs me and I smile.

"What brings you by?" Suze asks.

"Cassie called and told me Maddy was here having a mental breakdown." I say.

"Oh really? Didn't hear anything except the sound of my wine filling the glass." Suze says.

I laugh and she smiles. She lets me in and I go upstairs.

"What happened?" I ask going in the room.

"She won't tell us anything." Cassie says looking at the bathroom door.

I knock on the bathroom door and hear Maddy sniffle.

"I'm here." I say.

The door unlocks and I go inside.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask shutting the door behind me.

"You're gonna fucking hate me." Maddy says.

"Why?" I ask.

"When we took a break, I went to go see Nate. I slept with him and I realized that my period is late." Maddy says.

"You haven't taken a test?" I ask.

"I don't want to know." Maddy says.

"If you are pregnant, do you want to keep them?" I ask.

"I can barely take care of myself. I do drugs — they're gonna come out with an extra toe or some shit." She says.

"You can't tell anyone about this. I can't even go home tonight because my mom will know that something's happening." She says.

"Relax." I say holding her hands.

"We'll schedule an appointment to find out for sure and we'll go from there. If you are, call Nate and then you or both of you can make that choice. You can stay at my house tonight." I say.

Maddy smiles and hugs me.

"Thank you." Maddy says as I gently rub her back.

30 minutes later...

"Maddy!" Matteo says running to Maddy.

Matteo hugs Maddy and she smiles.

"Off to bed now." Mom says.

Mom waves at Maddy and we go in my room. Maddy stares at the wall and I gulp.

"You said you were sober." Maddy says.

Pills and potions

"I say I'm a lot of things. You say I'm a lot of things." I say.

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