These Girls

818 16 1

Earth 50
Maddy's View

"I acted in self defense." I say.

"All she did was look at you." Mr Jones says.

"And I took that personally." I say.

"You smashed her head against the bathroom sink and tried to drown her." Mr Jones says.

"Like I said, self defense." I say.

"I'll let you off the hook if you show a new kid around." Mr Jones says.

"No thanks." I say.

The office door opens and a girls walks in.

"Y/n, this is Maddy. Maddy this is Y/n. You'll be showing her around." Mr Jones says.

I groan and get up. I leave the room and Y/n follows me.

"It's nice to meet ya." Y/n says continuing to follow me.

"What? What is that? What the fuck shit is that?" I ask.

"Huh?" Y/n asks.

"Your accent, what is that?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm Irish." Y/n says.

"Why'd you move this shithole; America?" I ask.

"My dad travels for work a lot. I've lived in this state before but I moved to Kentucky." Y/n says.

I've been all through the country
From L.A. to Kentucky

"Then Texas and now I'm back." Y/n says.

Met a good girl in Houston but she knows

"So, you got a boyfriend?" I ask.

"Girlfriend, and, no. I did long distance with a girl from a France once. Oh, and one from Japan." She says.

That there are bad girls in Paris
Know they wanna get married
And some beautiful ones in Tokyo

"Oh, you're a player?" I ask.

"I'm the playee." She says.

"Hmm." I say.

We go in the cafeteria and sit at a table.

Y/n's View

"This is Lexi, the only one with a future." Maddy says.

Some go to college,

"Cassie, the wannabe model slash gold digger." Maddy says.

some go to model
Some diggin' for that gold

"Jules, the one single by choice, surprisingly." Maddy says.

Some flying solo,

"And Rue, the homeless woman with a home." Maddy says.

some wanna stay at home

"I've never seen this manny gorgeous women." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

Ooh, I want 'em all (These girls)

"Get used to it." Maddy says.

Time Skip

There's a knock on the door and I open it. I see Lexi and I let her in.

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