Back to You (CH)

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Earth 10
Cassie's View

I close my locker door and see Y/n.

"Where's the bathroom?" Y/n asks.

"Down the hall, the second door on the left." Lexi says.

Y/n gets up and disappears down the hall.

"She's bad news." Lexi says.

"Mom!" I say.

"She's right. There's just something off about her." Mom says.

"Even if she does hurt me, I'll bounce back like I always do." I say.

Took you like a shot
Thought that I could chase you with a cold evenin'

"I just wanted to apologize." Y/n says.

And every time we talk
Every single word builds up to this moment

"It's fine." I say with straight face.

And I gotta convince myself I don't want it

"Are we cool?" Y/n asks.

I nod and she smiles.

"Nate wants you to call him." Y/n says looking at Maddy.

Maddy nods and Y/n walks away.

"She's so hot." I say.

Even though I do (even though I do)

"I don't know how you guys can ever talk to them after what they did to you." Kat says.

"It's love bitch." Maddy and I say at the same time.

You could break my heart in two
But when it heals, it beats for you

"Aren't all the Jacobs' the same? Jocks and total dicks?" Kat asks.

"Doesn't matter because I'll still love her either way. Nothing can change that." I say.

I know it's forward, but it's true
I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to

"Amen." Maddy says.

"Have you tried seeing other people?" Kat asks.

When I'm lyin' close to someone else

"How can I when my mind is in her all the time?" I ask.

You're stuck in my head and I can't get you out of it

"Do you not have any conception of how bad what she did was?" Kat asks.

"We don't even talk anymore!" I say.

"Nate told me you were talking to him at that party last night." Y/n says.

"I'm talking about us! And Nate is a fucking liar, he was drunk all night." I say.

"I saw a picture of you talking to him." Y/n says.

"And I saw a video of you flirting with a girl. Now what?" I say.

"I could just fucking strangle you." Y/n says as the room door opens.

"I think it's time for you to head out." Fezco says walking in.

"What are you gonna do? Hit me?" Y/n asks.

"I will if you put your hands on her. I'll beat your ass like I beat up that punk ass bitch you call your brother." Fezco says.

Y/n looks at me for a few seconds and walks out.

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