Let Me Go (CH)

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The fact this idea has been sitting in my drafts

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The fact this idea has been sitting in my drafts.. 🤭

Earth 11
Cassie's View

"I haven't seen Y/n in a few days. Is she okay?" Mom says.

"Yeah, she's..." I say.

"She's been working, she works at Fezco's store." I say.

"Hmm." Mom says squinting her eyes.

"Oh, okay. Have a good day at school." Mom says.

30 minutes later...

I sit beside Y/n and she puts her phone down.

"I feel like we should talk." Y/n says.

"Did you happen to see four $100 bills?" Y/n asks.

"In your wallet?" I ask.

"Yes." Y/n says.

"I spent it." I say quietly.

"What?!" Y/n asks.

"You said that I could get all the money out of your wallet." I say.

"That money was supposed to go on my savings account. Fuck." Y/n says.

You made plans and I, I made problems

I ignore Y/n and she sighs.

"I want to make this work, you know that." Y/n says.

"Can we talk about this in the morning?" Y/n asks.

"Fine." I say laying beside her.

She turns over and I sigh.

We were sleeping back to back

"It's not gonna work anyway." I say.

We know this thing wasn't built to last

"Welcome to class everyone and Ms and Ms Y/l/n." Mr Howard says.

Good on paper, picture-perfect

Everyone Y/n and I are the "it" couple. They think we have the perfect relationship. We don't care no one does. It used to be like that hit as time went on we started getting into more fights.

"Why do you have a ring on your finger?" Maddy asks looking at my hand.

"Y/n gave it to me." I say.

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