Whatever You Like (CH)

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Cassie's View

"Where you are getting all this money from?" Lexi asks.

"There's someone who gives me money for... favors." I say.

"So you have a sugar daddy?" Maddy asks.

Aye, Jim, you know the ol' sugar daddies?

"Sugar momma but I could call her that if I wanted to. We met online." I say.

"You sure it isn't an old man who's pretending to be a girl?" Lexi asks.

They be trickin', they tell them girls

"We FaceTime." I say.

I swipe through my phone and hand it to Maddy.

"Damn, she's got as fuck." Maddy says.

"That jawline could cut a bitch." Lexi says.

"Look at that, baby Lexi said her first cuss word." Maddy says.

"Her name is Y/n and she from Italy. She owns a mutibillion dollar clothing line." I say.

"What line?" Maddy asks.

"Cloak." I say.

"Jesus Christ, they brought in 30 billion last year." Lexi says.

"Let me ask you this. Are you actually her sugar baby or do you have something else going on?" Maddy asks.

"We were just talking at first but she started sending me money and showing interest in me. Now we're kind of a thing." I say.

"So she'll give you whatever you want?" Maddy asks.

I said you could have whatever you like (If you like)

"Most likely, yeah." I say.

I said you could have whatever you like (If you like)

"Uh, I need 200 bucks... for reasons..." Maddy says.

I FaceTime Y/n and she answers on the 2nd ring.

"Hey, Cass." Y/n says smiling.

"I wish Nate would answer that quickly." Maddy mumbles.

"Hi, Y/n. Uh, can I have some money?" I say.

"How much you need?" Y/n asks.

"$200." I say.

"Okay." Y/n says.

Yeah (Yeah)

"I just sent it." She says.

"I got it, thank you." I saw as the notification pops up on the screen.

"Call me before you go to sleep." She says.

"Okay." I say smiling.

She smiles and hangs up.

"She just gave me $2,000!" I say.

"She need another girl? I can be the side piece." Maddy says.

Time Skip

Y/n flew here to visit me as a surprise. Maddy is very jealous.

"I wanna go shopping too." Maddy says.

"Why don't you... buy yourself something nice?" Y/n asks opening her wallet.

"Why thank you." Maddy says as Y/n hands her money.

"What do you see? What do you like?" Y/n asks.

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