Flowers (LH)

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Lexi's View

"This is my wife, Lexi." Y/n says as we sit down.

Took me over to your house to meet your family
Introduced me to them sayin' that you'd marry me

Everyone laughs and I smile.

"I'm just kidding, but I really love her." Y/n says.

Then you'd look me in the eye and say, "It's just a joke"

Y/n kisses me and holds my hand.

Then you'd kiss me and I'd smile, did you even know?

I could see myself marrying Y/n.

When you'd say that kinda thing, I'd be excited
Got me hopin' maybe one day you would mean it

2 weeks later...

Y/n and Cassie walk by holding hands and I sigh.

Always thought I'd only make a fool of someone else
Now you've only gone and made me make one of myself

"You want me kick some ass for you?" Maddy asks taking her earrings off.

"No." I say.

"They were probably fucking the whole time." Maddy says.

I should've known.

I guess that flowers aren't just used for big apologies
I guess I should've been more conscious how you spoke to me

"You don't communicate with me. You think I want space but if you talked to me, you would know that's not what I want." I say.

'Cause when we'd fight, you give me space and not communicate
And for a while, I thought that's what I should appreciate

"She was never who I thought she was." I say.

Maybe I was holdin' on to what I thought you were
But when you think too hard, eventually, it starts to hurt

"It happens, don't beat yourself up about it." Maddy says.

The version of you in my head now I know wasn't true

Maddy hugs me and I smile.

Young people fall for the wrong people, guess my one was you

Time Skip

I knock on the door and Tommy opens it.

"Hey Lex." Tommy says.

"I have questions." I say.

Tommy nods and lets me in. I sit on the couch and he sits beside me.

"Did Y/n want to make it work?" I ask.

I was gettin' any flight so we could make it work

"Did you know Y/n was seeing Cassie? Did you know that every time she went to a party they were hooking up in the bathroom?" I ask.

You'd ignore me, coulda told me you were seein' her

"I don't think Y/n wanted to fix it. I never knew she was seeing Cassie. If I did, honestly, I wouldn't have told you." Tommy says.

"I don't think that the "mistakes" she made were actually mistakes. I think she did some of that stuff to push you away and justify getting closer to Cassie." Tommy says.

Kinda hate myself for justifyin' your mistakes
Took a minute, but I had to learn the hard way

"She lost her chance with a great girl." Tommy says.

Babe, you had the chance, the door for you was open
If it's what you need to tell yourself to sleep at night

I smile and nod.

Pretend I haven't found a man who finally treats me right

Time Skip

There's a knock on the door and I open it.

I guess that flowers aren't just used for big apologies

"What?" I ask.

I guess I should've been more conscious how you spoke to me

"I wanted to say sorry for how I treated you." Y/n says.

'Cause when we'd fight, you give me space and not communicate

"It's one thing to cheat and lie but it's another thing to cheat with my sister." I say.

And for a while, I thought that's what I should appreciate

"Sorry is long overdue." I say.

Maybe I was holdin' on to what I thought you were

"I know but I wouldn't be able to live with myself without apologizing." Y/n says.

But when you think too hard, eventually, it starts to hurt

"And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I accepted such a shitty apology." I say.

The version of you in my head now I know wasn't true

I shut the door and sigh.

Young people fall for the wrong people, guess my one was you

"Attagirl." Mom says.

If there's anything I've learned, it's you should watch yourself

I smile and sit beside her.

If it's hurting you, then leave and go and get some help

745 Words

She thought she was Ariana 💀💀

She thought she was Ariana 💀💀

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